Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2316: Tears and blood

Chapter 2316

"My lord, I beg my lord to investigate immediately!"

The patriarch of the Yuan clan led fifty-three ministers to kneel before Luo Chen's desk. The blood stains on their clothes were dyed red on the pure white fox fur carpet.

"Impossible, Huang Er would not do such a thing."

Luo Chen frowned, and after listening to these ministers, he was completely unable to associate these things with the white-clothed girl.

"Your Majesty, your subordinate's biological son is only fourteen years old. His subordinates have been asking for a son for many years, but he has a son who died unclearly this time. Your Majesty, you must make the decision for your subordinate's husband and wife!"

A female minister with red eyes took out the sound transmission jade talisman to light up, and the sound transmission jade talisman immediately heard a young man's dying farewell before his death.

"Mother...Son take a step first, and can't continue to stay by your side to do your filial piety, take care!"

The boy's voice was immature and extremely weak.

The female minister heard her son's voice again, and again burst into tears.

"Your Majesty, this is the last words of the children under your staff!"

The other ministers took out the sound transmission jade talisman and played back the news they received again.

These voices are young and immature, but now their owners have all died innocently.

These voices were a hundred times more painful to the spiritual ministers present than the pain of heart.

If it were not for revenge on the children, they would never listen to it again.

Regardless of whether the girl in white clothes is doing this or not, they must let Luo Chen go to thoroughly investigate what is going on.

"My lord, the ladies of the ministers are even more miserable."

The chief Yuan's eyes were red, and there were traces of tears flowing on his handsome face.

He picked up his own sound transmission jade talisman and pointed at his fingertips, and scenes of light and shadow flashed in everyone's eyes.

This is a video.

It was the influence of the elite guards of the palace killing the children in the wombs of the ministers and their wives first, and then all the ministers and their wives.

The high priest said that he came by the order of white clothes, and he could see and hear clearly in this video.

This short video is very short and will be broadcast very quickly, but the content inside is creepy and chills all over.

The final picture freezes when Feng Xiaorou falls into a pool of blood, her eyes widening, and she does not stare at her.

A pair of black eyes are still full of strong resentment.

Clan Chief Yuan knelt in front of Luo Chen, clenching his fists tightly, the blue veins on his temples were about to violently violently, and he didn't let himself go crazy.

This is the second time he has seen this video.

Many years ago, when they were not yet married, he gave Feng Xiaorou a necklace. The pendant was engraved with symbols.

When Feng Xiaorou encounters life-threatening danger, the pendant will turn into a shadow stone, recording the scene at that time, and automatically sending it to his sound transmission jade talisman.

No need to connect, you can see immediately.

For so many years, the Yuan clan leader has never received any images, and he has already forgotten about it.

Unexpectedly, the image received for the first time was Feng Xiaorou's tragic death.

Patriarch Yuan's heart was extremely painful, and he began to regret why he left the child in the belly of the spiritual girl.

He was calculated by Luo Chen to conceive an heir with this spiritual girl under the effect of Youlanhua, and that woman should be killed when he is sober.

It was all because of his momentary softheartedness that made his Rou'er unhappy even before he died.

Behind the patriarch of Yuan, the pain, suffering and regret of the remaining 27 ministers are exactly the same as those of the patriarch of Yuan.

They are doing their best to contain the strong emotions in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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