Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2315: Drop the chain at a critical moment

Chapter 2315 is off the chain at the critical moment

Except that the girl in white does not know, everyone in the spiritual capital already knows.

The matter is not only related to the Feng Clan, but also to other tribes in Lingdu. It involves a wide range of areas, and almost all the large tribes in Lingdu have suffered.

The news was so explosive that everyone discussed and speculated that what the Wind Clan and other tribes did would be punished in this way by the white-clothed girl.

Most spirit races do not believe that the girl in white will do such a thing.

In their minds, this future **** queen is beautiful and kind, how could she send spiritual palace elite guards to bloodbath the wind tribe.

Everyone thought that there must be some misunderstanding in this matter. The girl in white is absolutely impossible to do such a cruel and cold-blooded thing.


The boundary between the heavenly spirit world and the mysterious capital world.

The relationship between the Heavenly Spirit Realm and the Profound Capital Realm has been pretty good for ten thousand years. It was originally a peaceful boundary.

Full of gunpowder and blood.

The Beast Emperor of the Profound Capital Realm, Zi Shuilan personally led an army of tens of millions of orcs to attack the Celestial Spirit Realm. The spirit races of the Celestial Spirit Realm did not understand why the Beast Emperor did this. In order to defend their homeland, they had to be led by Luo Chen. Challenge.

At this time, a team of Spirit Race powerhouses spread their wings and returned to a camp behind the Spirit Race army at the fastest speed.

These were fifty-four strong masters of the Yuan Sage Realm. They were covered in blood, with dried blood sticking to the clothes, and they could no longer see the true colors of the clothes.

Fifty-four people were tired, their eyes were dissatisfied with bloodshot eyes, and the auras throughout their bodies fluctuated violently.

They had just experienced a fierce battle, and the aura in the sea of ​​qi was consumed a lot.

"Everyone has worked hard. The lord said that if the clan chief Yuan and the adults fight tomorrow morning and hold on again, the lord’s strategy will be successful, and we can successfully drive the orcs back to the Xuandu realm and let them forever I don’t dare to violate our heavenly spirit world again!"

As soon as these spirit races returned, the whole camp burst into cheers, and a leading spirit race stepped forward with admiration and respect.

He first looked at the person standing in the front of the fifty-four people, who was the patriarch of the Yuan clan, one of the four major tribes in Lingdu.

Then he quickly looked at the others behind him.

The remaining fifty-three people were either the patriarchs of the Lingdu tribe or the elites of the tribe.

They are the most powerful and most dependent ministers under Luo Chen.

Of the fifty-four people, three are women.

"It's so good."

Clan Chief Yuan and the other fifty-three people were relieved. They were preparing to go back to their respective camps to cleanse them, raise their spirits, and take a good rest all night.

But tonight, they are doomed to sleepless.

Due to the nature of the continent of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, it takes two hours for the sound transmission jade talisman to travel from Lingdu to the border.

Now, they finally learned through the sound transmission jade talisman what happened to the spirit in just one day.

Today is the most unfortunate day for these 54 spiritual ministers.

Because in this day, they lost their wives, their silent children, and their sons who had raised them for more than ten years.

And the cause of all these tragedies was because the girl in white asked the high priest to bring fifty spiritual palace elites to guard the front wind race.

The guards of the spiritual palace washed the entire Feng Clan with blood, not even a pregnant woman pregnant with Liujia.

The methods are **** and cruel and outrageous.

Even if they killed countless people on the battlefield, they felt cold all over.

These spirit races could no longer calm down in their hearts. They ignored changing clothes and rest. They threw the exhaustion behind their heads and immediately found Luo Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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