Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2309: Heaven to hell

Chapter 2309 Heaven to Hell

They rushed all the way to the core area of ​​the Feng Clan, and Feng Xiaorou was taking the ministers and his wife to the secret base.

When the ministers and wives saw the arrival of these people, their faces were full of panic and horror.

They didn't expect that the white-clothed girl would even disregard the numerous achievements made by the Wind Clan and the major tribes over the years.

"Bold, the Wind Clan is also a place where you can trespass without authorization. Go back to this lady!"

Feng Xiaorou stepped forward with her stomach upright and took out her weapon to protect the many ministers and wives behind her.

"Get out of the way, you women, the queen has orders, don't hurry up and catch it!"

The high priest panted, trying to keep up with the footsteps of these spiritual palace elite guards.

When he relied on the white-clothed girl fox and fake tiger to shout out, the guards of the spiritual palace had already stepped forward, quickly subdued Feng Xiaorou, and captured these ministers and ladies.

The high priest was so excited that his whole body was trembling. He was about to threaten these ministers and their wives to hand over Jun Mohuang.

Under the cover of the environment, the black spots on the faces of the elite guards of the Qun Ling Palace have changed from the size of a mung bean to the size of a little finger.

The black rotting flesh grows on the body, exuding bursts of death, affecting their minds.

These ministers and wives exuded the strong vitality of new life, two opposite auras, which made the elite guards of the spiritual palace feel upset.

Affected by the air of death, they directly raised their weapons and pierced the raised belly of the ministers and ladies directly.

"Ah! My child! My child!"

The ministers' wives stabbed in their abdomens, and blood was pouring out of the wound in their stomachs.

There was something that quickly fell down their stomachs.

It is the unborn child in the womb, they have lost their child...

The world stood still before their eyes, losing all colors.

Pain and despair enveloped them.

"No! Stop it!"

The high priest instantly panicked.

He also used the flesh and blood in the abdomen of these women as a threat to let Feng Xiaorou hand over Jun Mohuang.

This group of spiritual palace elite guards has lost his threat. These women will only hate him and the girls in white clothes. Even if Luo Chen comes, they are likely to die rather than confess Jun Mohuang. .

The women of the spirit race had difficulty getting pregnant, and they did all the crazy actions for the dead children.

"You old traitor, this lady is going to kill you!"

A lady clutching his stomach, with scarlet eyes, staring at the high priest, holding a weapon, rushed to tear the high priest apart.

"Husband, our children are gone! Nothing! The real murderer of our children is the high priest and the queen! Remember to come back and avenge our mother and son!"

More wives took out the sound transmission jade charm, their voices were stern and sad.

After they finished speaking, they threw away the sound transmission jade talisman in their hands, summoned weapons one after another, and approached the high priest step by step.

They had forgotten the pain in their abdomen, and they didn't care that they were still bleeding.

They only knew that the high priest killed their child and they were going to kill him!

"No, it's not about the priest's business. All this is the order of the **** queen. You don't know good or bad and don't listen to the words of the **** queen."

The high priest couldn't help taking two steps back.

The women were covered in blood, and the wounds on their stomachs were still bleeding.

The eyes are scarlet, and the facial features are distorted by strong resentment, just like the evil ghost who just crawled out of hell.

Make up the three chapters owed yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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