Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2308: Strong request to watch the excitement

Chapter 2308 strongly requests to watch the fun

Feng Yehan stepped back and covered his chest, frowning, showing an expression of pain.

That way, at first glance, he was vomiting blood because of severe internal injuries.

But the problem is that Feng Yanhan's complexion and aura are very normal, and his body has not produced any spiritual fluctuations. He has nothing to do, and it can't be better.

The other spirit races around Feng Yehan also performed similarly.

Obviously no one attacked them, but they acted as if they were hit on the ground and could not afford to be seriously injured.

They thought they were about to die, so they took out the sound transmission jade talisman and began to leave last words.

Even more, he fainted directly to the ground, thinking he was dead.

The elite guards of the palace and the high priest were blushing with excitement.

They cut off the top of the rockery that they believed to be windy and cold. Seeing the corpses and blood all over the ground, they laughed wildly and began to go deep into the Feng Clan.

"Hey, you guys are not dead at all, all get up."

Jun Mohuang walked up to these people and patted their faces with his hands.

These people, including Feng Yehan, did not respond.

Jun Mohuang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately understood that this is an illusion.

Someone weaves into an illusion here, deceived everyone, but missed her

The guards of the palace thought that they had killed people, but in fact they did not. They were just making an ineffective attack on the rockery, flowers and trees.

The spirit races of the wind tribe and other tribes thought they were dead, but in fact they just fainted.

Jun Mohuang failed to wake up these people, including Feng Yehan, they all fell into an illusion without realizing it.

Weaving fantasy is even rarer than knowing the space system.

At that time, the royal family of the Huanyun Kingdom, that is, the brothers and sisters of Feng Yunqi's father, all had the blood of the Huanyun beast in their bodies, but none of them could weave illusions, and they did not even have the ability to touch it.

It can be seen that the difficulty of compiling the illusion.

There are only a handful of people in this world who have the ability to make everyone fall into the illusion and successfully deceived everyone except her.

Jun Mohuang wasn't sure if it was Emperor Lingtian, and it was still impossible to judge whether this illusion was friendly to her.

The black two-color phoenix wings spread out, and she wanted to fly away from the wind clan, being resisted by an invisible barrier.

Jun Mohuang tried all the methods she could use, but none of them worked.

Obviously, the person weaving the fantasy realm didn't want her to discover who she was.

"Your Majesty, we strongly request to come out and watch the fun!"

In the phoenix space, the dragons knew that Emperor Mohuang had encountered an illusion in which all fifty Yuansheng realm powerhouses were trapped, and clamored to come out to watch the excitement.

Illusion is rare, not to mention this kind of high quality, you must not miss it when you pass by.

Coming out and incidentally can protect Jun Mohuang, why not do it.

"Strong request is invalid."

Jun Mohuang directly dismissed it, leaving Feng Yehan and others to follow the pace of the elite guards of the Spirit Palace.

Along the way, the elite guards of Linggong did not attack a pile of rockery, flowers and trees.

The Feng Clan people panicked, covering their heart with pain to the end, looking like they were killed.

Exactly the same as everything that happened before.

"Everyone, we are about to reach the core area of ​​the Wind Race, and we will definitely be able to catch those women!"

The high priest's old eyes showed extreme fanaticism.

As long as they catch those women and threaten the unborn child in their womb, they will have to hand over Jun Mohuang.

The elite guards of the palace are swift and hurried, without the high priest's order.

The high priest tried his best to barely keep up with the pace of these elite guards, so as not to be left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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