Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2306: Collective blindness

Chapter 2306 Collective Blind

"You are not allowed to retreat, the Queen has an order to capture this woman alive, have you forgotten!"

"Go forward quickly, otherwise you won't live long when you return to the palace!"

The high priest saw the black spots on their faces and hands, and his scalp tingled.

But when he thought that Jun Mohuang was still at large, he stood in the direction of the entrance of the Wind Clan and threatened these spiritual palace elite guards viciously.

Just as the high priest threatened loudly, an invisible force came to cover the sky and cover the entire wind clan.

The elite guards of the Spirit Palace, who had been retreating in fear and wished to stay far from Jun Mohuang, suddenly stopped.

They were pleasantly surprised to find that all the black spots on their faces disappeared.

These people couldn't believe that they touched their hands and face, and they started with smooth skin, and it did disappear.

They just said that the **** queen had cured all their body breakdowns, how could there be repetitions again.

The black spots just now must be hallucinations, a small illusion arranged by this woman.

It was a means to scare them away deliberately.

It's a pity that this woman is not strong, and the illusion only lasted for a while.

Almost, they were fooled by this ninth-order woman only in Yuanzong realm.

These elite guards of the Yuansheng Realm felt that they had been manipulated and humiliated.

They became angry and rushed towards Jun Mohuang again, with their hands like pliers, rushing towards Jun Mohuang, trying to catch her alive.

This time, it was Jun Mohuang's turn to figure out what was going on.

She glanced at the sky above, and the entire Wind Clan was enveloped in a mysterious transparent energy.

She can't see, but can slightly detect it.

The actions of these spiritual palace guards are very strange, the black spots on their faces and injuries still exist, and they are slowly growing.

But these people think that they are healthy and have no problems at all.

What is even more strange is that they rushed to grab her in the same direction as the direction she was standing in.

Jun Mohuang watched as the group of people rushed to a rockery to her left, with an expression of extreme ecstasy, reaching out to catch her.

Behind them, the high priest looked at Jun Mohuang as if frightened, standing motionless, about to be caught, his two small old eyes were shining.

Finally, I finally want to catch this murderer, complete the mission of the Queen of God, and avenge my precious son!

The high priest's wish was ultimately not realized.

The elite guard who rushed to the front was about to pinch her neck, and Jun Mohuang suddenly disappeared.

In the large court, under the full view of everyone, disappeared into the air, as if it had never appeared before.

"People! People! How can this be possible!"

The high priest was going crazy, and the two turbid eyes were about to come out.

The elite guards of the spiritual palace did not believe what was happening in front of them.

"Could this stinky girl make the space system technique! No, there is no space fluctuation here."

"It must be you, it must be you who hid her!"

The high priest waited for Feng Yehan and shouted.

"Digging the ground three feet to find this woman, to see people in death, and the corpse in life!"

Feng Yehan frowned and finally let go.

He just wanted to help Jun Mohuang, but before he could do anything, two incidents happened in a row.

Anyway, this woman is gone, which is good for everyone.

Jun Mohuang stood there, watching the high priest and the elite guards of the spiritual palace start searching for her traces outside the Feng Clan.

Today's update is complete...

Make up the rest tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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