Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2305: The most unexpected stumbling block

Chapter 2305 The most unexpected stumbling block

The real Emperor Lingtian stood on the highest star picking tower in the spiritual palace, and captured the entire spiritual capital.

He was playing with two phantom orbs and the colorful bead that had been condensed due to the colorful halo. The three beads continued to exude magical power, covering the pavilion below.

Di Lingtian watched closely what had happened to the Feng Clan, taking all the circumstances into account.

When he saw Jun Mohuang reaching out to pat the tortoise shell, the corners of his lips twitched slightly.

it's time.

Di Lingtian tightened his palm slightly and squeezed the three beads in his hand.

Another power of illusion spread quickly and drifted away in the direction of the wind clan.

Wind tribe.

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand and slapped the tortoise shell suddenly, and the fifty light spots shook rapidly, as if being greatly frightened, hitting the tortoise shell randomly.

The strong Yuansheng realm who rushed in the front suddenly stopped, and a piercing pain came from the bottom of his heart, which quickly spread to the meridians throughout his body.

In the severe pain, his feet seemed to be filled with lead, and he didn't even have the strength to take a step forward.

The dots of black appeared on his face and the back of his palms.

"Ah, this! Why is this happening!"

This elite guard raised his hand and looked at the black spots on the back of his palm that were beginning to rot, his eyes widened and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

The black spot slowly grew bigger under his watch.

This is a sign that the body is beginning to collapse, and it is a side effect of using the crystal pool to increase the strength to the Yuan Sheng Jing.

Hasn't this sequelae been cured by their **** empress? How could it recur on me again!

The intense fear of his body breaking down and dying hit his heart. The elite guard couldn't help shaking his hands, his face was pale, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Not only him, but dense black spots appeared on the faces and hands of all the elite guards of the Spirit Palace.

These black spots are expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

They reacted exactly like the person rushing to the front.

"It's you! You did it! You vicious woman!"

The elite guard closest to Jun Mohuang looked at Jun Mohuang with horror, and quickly backed away, as if she was a plague capable of killing people invisible.

The spirit tribes of the wind tribe and other tribes looked in a trance, as if in a dream.

These spiritual palace elite guards would take the initiative to retreat, which is no different from dreaming.

"What are you doing, don't hurry up and catch her alive!"

The high priest stared, couldn't believe what was happening before him.

But no one listened to the high priest.

The memory of the previous body collapse was too painful and it was too hard to recover. They should not die a second time.

Jun Mohuang was in a white dress, standing in the sun, his whole body exuding a faint halo, looking holy and harmless.

Her red lips, like petals, slowly curled up.

It succeeded.

The bodies of these spirit races collapsed and were not cured by the white-clothed girl. She didn't have that ability, but was temporarily controlled.

Healing is only appearance.

She just used the tortoise shell of the old tortoise to connect these spirit races and break their appearance.

Their bodies collapsed again.

One pass from ten to ten passes, and soon all the spirit races who use the crystal pond to cultivate to the Primordial Saint Realm will show signs of physical breakdown.

They will pass this kind of sign to other ordinary spirit races, the girl in white has nothing to do with this, and the heavenly spirit world will fall into fear.

At that time, she asked Luo Chen to return her mother's soul to let him open the holy pond.

This is more clever than slaughtering these fifty powerful spirit races on the spot.

Everything went very smoothly.

But Jun Mohuang's plan just started to be implemented, and there was a stumbling block.

(End of this chapter)

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