Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2293: Prelude to Chaos

Chapter 2293 Prelude to Chaos

Feng Xiaorou thought about being a matchmaker.

"Ah, Senior Feng, this junior already has a fiance."

Jun Mohuang looked embarrassed.

After only a few minutes of knowing her, Feng Xiaorou actually wanted to match her.

Sure enough, it was Patriarch Feng, and everything was up and running.

"Oh, that's a pity. I don't know which kid is so lucky."

Feng Xiaorou looked very sorry.

Jun Mohuang and Feng Xiaorou went to the spiritual capital together.

When she received the judgment book, she already had the qualifications to enter the spiritual capital.

Priest Zhi immediately noticed that Jun Mohuang had entered the spiritual capital.

Feng Xiaorou is very reliable in doing things. She found Jun Mohuang in the Temple of Light and took her to the Feng Clan safely before she took her to trial.

As soon as Jun Mohuang arrived at the Feng Clan, he was welcomed by ministers and wives.

They had heard of the name Jun Mohuang a long time ago, and her method of treating pregnant women in the Spirit Race was faster and safer than the white-clothed girl.

They are all pregnant, and they collectively send out their husbands betrayed themselves, and they pay more attention to the flesh and blood in their abdomen, and they don't want to like Jun Mohuang or not.

These ministers and wives gave Jun Mohuang a lot of gifts in the name of consultation money.

"Thank you ladies for your love."

Jun Mohuang didn't reject those who came and accepted them all.

Seeing her subordinates, these ministers and wives were completely relieved.

Accepting the gift means that she will do her best to treat them and the child in her womb.

The man is already unreliable, and the child in his belly must not make any mistakes.

"Priest monarch, don't worry, with us, people in the Temple of Light will never want to move your hair."

"Yes, we have summoned the remaining elites of the natal family and let them be stationed outside the Feng Clan to ensure that the priests of light cannot step into the Feng Clan."

These ministers and their wives began to comfort Jun Mohuang with all their tongues.

They were born into large clans of spiritual races, and both were prostitutes in the tribe, and their power behind them was amazing.

Therefore, they have the courage to respond to Feng Xiaorou's call and make such actions as Husband and running away from home.

"By the way, sisters, our divorce notice was only given to the elders of the tribe, and has not been distributed to the parties."

Feng Xiaorou took out the sound transmission jade talisman and said suddenly.

"By the way, Sister Yuan suddenly reminded me that it is time to give the divorce letter to the dead ghost on the battlefield in my family."

The ministers and wives were reminded, immediately took out the sound transmission jade talisman, and sent the letter of suspension.

Jun Mohuang looked at this scene and smiled in his heart.

This chaos will spread from the periphery of the Wind Clan to the entire spiritual capital, and all of this is her hand.

Only when Jun Mohuang's front feet arrived in the Wind Clan, Priest Zhi and the High Priest immediately discovered this, and immediately sent people to the Wind Clan to let Feng Xiaorou surrender Jun Mo Phoenix.

They are doomed to return without success.

How could Feng Xiaorou and these ministers' wives hand over Jun Mohuang?

When the people in the Temple of Light saw Feng Xiaorou and the Wind Clan daring to harbor the prisoners of the Temple of Light, they fought against the elites of the Wind Clan in anger.

At the same time, the maiden powers of the ministers and wives were also attacking the Temple of Light.

The Temple of Light came to catch Jun Mohuang and returned without success, but was beaten and his face was bruised.

This group of people with blue noses and swollen faces did not even step into the gate of the Wind Clan, and they could only return to the High Priest's Temple of Light in embarrassment.

Ever since Priest Zhi decided to judge Jun Mohuang in accordance with the rules, he has stayed in the light temple of the high priest.

When Priest Zhi and the high priest saw this group of subordinates who had been beaten up so that their parents did not know them, they all had an unbelievable look.

Today's update is complete...

There was something at home these two days, which delayed the update. Tomorrow will resume eight changes every day.

Congratulations to my little Moxi for becoming the master of this book.

After reminding the little baby Mo Xi in the V group, I wanted to make a list of thanks to the rudder owner, but when I saw there were more than 100, I was shocked. There are too many people to list them all.

Thank you babies for your continued support. I have never written such a long article. It was your support that gave me the courage and made me where I am today.

Although this book and myself have many shortcomings, I will try to update and improve.

I hope we can still be together in the new year.

(End of this chapter)

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