Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2292: One table of talents

Chapter 2292: Talent

"She was still the former patriarch of the Feng Clan. After Feng Yehan became an adult, she shed her responsibility as the patriarch of the Feng Clan and married the patriarch of the Yuan Clan."

Even after leaving the Spirit Clan for more than ten years, Mo Shao still knows the situation of the various tribes of the Spirit Clan well.

"A strong woman, it would be very easy to handle things in Lingdu."

Jun Mohuang smiled satisfied.

Judging from Mo Shao's description, this Madam Yuan, Feng Xiaorou, is an out-and-out strong woman.

Ordinary spiritual women can't bear the betrayal of their husbands, let alone women like Feng Xiaorou.

Facts have proved that Mo Yan's guess is completely correct.

After a quarter of an hour, Mrs. Yuan Feng Xiaorou used the teleportation formation between Fengcheng, the spiritual capital, to reach the Guangming Temple in Fengcheng.

Her appearance is charming and heroic, and her lavender eyes are very similar to Feng Yehan.

As soon as she saw Jun Mohuang, she told all the plans between them, without concealing anything.

"Mrs. Yuan, no, Senior Feng, you have to think about it clearly. I am the high priest who hates to my bones. I am about to be judged and killed by two priests of the first level. Senior Feng is careful to be implicated by me."

Jun Mohuang liked her simple style very much.

"You girl, you really have an appetite for me. Tell me, how do you see my mind."

Feng Xiaorou did not directly answer Jun Mohuang's question, and was a little surprised at her sudden change of name.

Then she realized what Jun Mohuang meant, and she began to smile, with a pair of beautiful eyes with appreciation for her.

With so many people, she didn't even notice the Feng Yehan of her nephew who was raised by her since childhood.

Unexpectedly, Jun Mohuang saw through.

Feng Xiaorou was a little surprised in her surprise.

"A woman's intuition. In principle, Senior Feng is not a person who will give her husband a chance to make mistakes, even if the Yuan patriarch was controlled by You Lanhua at the time. Other wives may just behave, but Senior Feng's letter. it is true."

Jun Mohuang smiled lightly.

At this point, she is the same as Feng Xiaorou.

If Di Ling betrayed her innocently, she would absolutely cut off relations with him immediately without saying anything.

"Yes, that's it."

The color of appreciation in Feng Xiaorou's eyes is stronger.

Her husband was under the control of You Lanhua and had a child with a girl of the spiritual race of the tribe, but afterwards he concealed it and asked her to take care of the woman personally, leaving Feng Xiaorou completely frustrated.

Her divorce letter is definitely not a threat, but a real divorce.

"As for the question raised by the priest just now, don't worry, I have already analyzed all the pros and cons before formulating this plan."

"Without the monarch priest, I will also rush to the spiritual palace to make a fuss in front of the monarch, and will not give the future **** queen any face. On the contrary, the existence of the monarch priest gives me the opportunity to secretly calculate her. I'm afraid of getting involved."

Feng Xiaorou disagreed with the series of troubles that would be caused by rescuing Jun Mohuang.

"The safety of that junior in Lingdu will trouble Senior Feng."

Jun Mohuang stood up and bowed slightly to Feng Xiaorou.

"Hey, you kid. Don't worry, my nephew Feng Yehan, the current patriarch of the Feng Clan, is also the youngest patriarch in the history of the Spirit Clan. With him, you don't have to worry about your safety."

"My nephew is not only strong, but also a talent. I think you are similar in age, not as good as..."

The more Feng Xiaorou looked at Jun Mohuang, the more she liked it.

She looked at the white veil on Jun Mohuang's face, needless to say, there must be a beauty in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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