Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2279: Grab credit

Chapter 2279 Snatching Credit

However, in a month's time, with the help of Emperor Lingtian, the girl in white almost collected all the power of the light source in the city under the jurisdiction of Priest Zhi.

It's not that her speed is much faster than Jun Mohuang.

But because when the white-clothed girl began to collect the power of the light source, those spiritual pregnant women in the seventh and sixth-level cities either had aborted or were newly acquired by Feng Yunqi, the Dragon, Mo and Jun Mohuang. The treatment of the three apprentices was completed.

Therefore, the total amount of work done by the girl in white is much less than Jun Mohuang.

Now, she only had the power of Lingdu's light source not collected.

The spirit races living in the spiritual capital are all nobles, and they are still the first-class bloodlines of the spirit race.

The higher the bloodline level, the spirit race can provide more quantity and better quality of light source power.

They had a high degree of support for the girl in white clothes, and the quality of the power of the light source provided would only be higher.

The white-clothed girl entered the spiritual capital because Luo Chen was not in the spiritual capital, and Emperor Lingtian did not have the slightest devilish energy.

Di Lingtian also followed her into the spiritual capital.

The white-clothed girl entered the spiritual capital and was welcomed by the spiritual tribes in the spiritual capital unprecedented.

The residents in the spiritual capital all have the first-level bloodline, and their resistance is much stronger than that of the spiritual family of other levels of blood.

Nevertheless, they are still very scared.

The return of the girl in white gave them a sigh of relief.

After all, she rescued so many spirit races a month ago, and now everyone is pinning all their hopes on the white-clothed girl.

All this naturally made the white-clothed girl extremely proud.

During this time, she has gained a lot.

Not only did Di Lingtian take the initiative to come to her, these spirit races recognized her to the extreme and peak.

Her strength has increased because of the power of a large number of high-quality light sources.

After losing the position of the human emperor and the dragon emperor, the girl in white fell back to the Yuan emperor realm.

But she soon promoted to the middle stage of the first-order Yuansheng realm in the crystal pond brought back by the black shadow man leader.

The power of these light sources directly pushed her to the middle stage of the third stage of the Yuansheng Realm, which was a full two-stage increase.

As long as she collects all the power of the light source of the spiritual capital, and then let the new priest of the light source under the jurisdiction of the high priest dedicate all the power of the light source, she will not only have enough power of the light source to make the heart of the source Recognize the Lord.

Should be able to advance to the fifth rank of Yuan Sheng in one fell swoop.

The white-clothed girl seemed to have seen her completely subduing her original heart, adding colorful divine light, and becoming the lord of the world, while Mo Phoenix was lying at her feet, pitifully asking her for forgiveness.


On the day that the white-clothed girl entered the spiritual capital, Feng Yunqi and others had already returned to Jun Mohuang.

Their journey around the Celestial Spirit World went well, and they collected a lot of light source power for Jun Mohuang.

Even seven of the Mo people became the priests of light in the heavenly spirit world.

When Feng Yunqi saw her, he was very angry for Jun Mohuang.

"Boss, what should I do, that woman has now taken all your credits away. Now those spirit races outside are singing about her accomplishments. What else did you say about saving the spirit race people from Seven Star City all the way, it was her. s arrangement!"

"It's really shameless, what her arrangement? At that time, this woman didn't know anything, and she was still sleeping in the spiritual palace!"

The reactions of others were obviously exactly the same as Feng Yunqi.

This is not how much they care about this fame, it is related to the attribution of the power of the light source.

(End of this chapter)

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