Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2278: Shocking scam

Chapter 2278 Shocking Scam

Personally arrange a place for Di Lingtian not far from his own residence.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​the residence is a bit crude, not as good as the Devil's Palace, I hope Brother Ling Tian will not dislike it."

The girl in white took Di Lingtian to a quiet yard.

"How can this deity dislike the residence that Huang'er personally arranged."

Di Lingtian's deep black eyes were gentle as water, and the girl's heart in white was about to melt away.

"Huang'er, thank you very much."

"It's not hard, Brother Ling Tian."

The white-clothed girl pushed open the courtyard door, shyly lowered her head, she could hardly look into his eyes.

The two entered the courtyard.

On a roof ridge not far away, Di Lingtian stood with his hands under his hands, lowered his eyes, watching his phantom and the girl in white enter the courtyard.

The corner of Di Lingtian's lips evoked a sneer, and his slender fingers began to play with two white spirit beads slowly.

A torrent of transparent magical power overflowed from the two white spirit beads and enveloped the entire city.

These two white spirit orbs are exactly the two phantom orbs he obtained at the bottom of the lake in the fifth level of the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm.

There were originally three Phantom Orbs, but Di Lingtian finally got two.

The absence of a phantom orb has little effect on the layout of the entire illusion.

At least that woman, completely unexpected, standing in front of her and talking sweetly to her Di Lingtian was just a fantasy.

This result made Di Ling Tian feel at ease.

It's just that it is easy for the two magical orbs to fool the girl in white, but it is not safe to fool Luo Chen.

Fortunately, he still has a bead in his hand.

Di Lingtian put the colorful beads he got from Jun Mohuang into the two phantom spirit beads.

In an instant, the power of illusion that enveloped the entire city immediately increased.

With Emperor Lingtian accompanying her to practice, the girl in white was extremely happy, and every nerve in her body was extremely excited.

She was anxious to prove herself in front of Di Lingtian, and changed her attitude of disgusting and disgusting these spirit race people.

Even when treating these spiritual pregnant women, she no longer disliked the **** smell of the house full of disgusting, she put on a look of compassion, constantly comforting these spiritual pregnant women and their families, so that everyone can rest assured.

In short, the white-clothed girl tried her best to make a good impression in front of Emperor Lingtian.

Endured everything she usually hates.

The attitude of the girl in white clothes changed, and God Ling Tian gave her timely guidance. She treated the pregnant women of the Spirit Race faster and faster, and the success rate became higher and higher, reaching a 100% success rate within a few days.

The speed and quality of the collected light source's power also began to be the same as Jun Mohuang.

Seeing her transformation, these spiritual people were grateful to the white-clothed girl, and the quality of the power of the light source contributed by it reached its peak.

The girl in white takes less than half a minute to save a pregnant spiritual woman. The family members of this pregnant woman can't wait to kneel and kiss her feet to show their gratitude.

Now, these spirit races really regard her as the savior.

With Emperor Lingtian's company, the quantity and quality of the power of the light source have been greatly improved, and the people of these spirit races admire and worship, the white-clothed girl is in a very good mood.

The black shadow man leader expressed his satisfaction with her progress and no longer blamed her.

During this time, it was almost the time for the girl in white to spend a lot of time.

Her heart was completely trapped on Di Lingtian, unable to extricate herself.

If it weren't for the white-clothed girl to follow the plan, she would immediately fall to Di Lingtian's side, closing in and out, killing Luo Chen and letting the Nine Nether Realm to annex the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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