Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2263: Maybe he is not a thing at all

Chapter 2263 Maybe, he is not a thing at all

This note is a breakup note.

The black letters on the white paper are extremely dazzling.

It said in her tone: "Ling Tian, ​​my father still doesn't agree with us being together, let's just do it."

All the handwritings are undoubtedly the autographs of Jun Mohuang, and the ink still has her aura.

"I haven't written this note."

Jun Mohuang's mood began to surge.

She could fully imagine what Di Lingtian felt when he first saw this note.

The two of them have experienced so much together, if they really separate because of Jun Liyuan's disagreement, it would be an insult to their feelings.

"I know."

Di Lingtian held her in his arms and stroked her long hair.

The moment he got the note, he really thought it was written by Jun Mohuang.

It's not that you don't trust her, but you care about her too much.

"Who wrote that? I'm going to give this person a severe lesson!"

Jun Mohuang's emotions were soothed, and his anger reappeared.

"Huang'er, you only have to be filial to this person, you can't teach it."

Di Lingtian left her Yuanjing pendant and put it on again.

Jun Mohuang saw the Yuanjing pendant and immediately understood everything.

In that situation, who could fake her handwriting and breath, besides her father, Jun Liyuan.

At that time, Jun Liyuan took her away.

She was so dizzy just now that she didn't expect this.

"Ling Tian, ​​you wait."

Jun Mohuang took the note from Emperor Lingtian's hand, his face exasperated.

"Huang'er, what are you going to do, that's father."

Di Lingtian held her hand to prevent her from messing around.

"Don't worry, I don't do anything, just show this note to my father."

Jun Mohuang took the note and went to Huangyu Space.

As soon as she left, Di Lingtian immediately used a secret language to communicate with the woman with red eyes.

After he became a demigod, he had the ability to contact the woman with red eyes anytime and anywhere.

"Oh, brat, did you annoy Mo Phoenix again? You really can't make her happy, so you contacted my old lady to move the soldiers."

In the Di Lingtian divine consciousness, the red-eyed woman's gloating voice sounded.

Di Lingtian replied coldly: "Congratulations, you guessed wrong. He is back, and Huang Er just met him."

"What, brat, who are you talking about? The old one or the young one."

Thinking about the special space under the cliff, the red-eyed woman stood up, emotionally, and directly smashed the glass table in front of her.

This incident was obviously unexpected by the woman with red eyes.

She frowned, her eyes solemn, but there was a trace of expectation in her eyes and tone.

"Mother, do you wish to be old or small."

Di Lingtian keenly caught her emotions, and a sneer overflowed from the corner of her lips.

The red-eyed woman said angrily: "Of course I don't want it! Brat, don't fight riddles with my mother."

"Small. Huang'er mistakenly identified him as a respect."

"This... how is this possible! Nothing will get a chance to resurrect under my soul-eater!"

The hope in the woman with red eyes disappeared, turning into deep disgust.

"Mother, don't you think about it, maybe he is nothing at all."

Di Lingtian narrowed his eyes slightly, his tone already pointed.

"Boy, what do you mean."

"The deity means that he is a human. Of course your soul eater can't destroy him."

"Impossible, how could he be human, back then I..."

When the red-eyed woman said this, she stopped immediately.

She understood that the people mentioned in Di Lingtian's mouth did not really refer to the human race, but rather non-spiritual humanoid creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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