Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2262: Forced to hold back

Chapter 2262 is forced to carry on

Seeing his face, Jun Mohuang was very disappointed, and the qi in his heart suddenly disappeared.

But then she glanced at him with a white robe, and immediately thought that he deliberately ran to meet with Binghan in order to **** off herself, and deliberately ignored him, and her heart burned with anger.

Jun Mohuang pushed him away hard.

"Huang'er, still angry? Okay, I was wrong. I shouldn't use enchantment to imprison you."

Di Lingtian thought she was angry with the barrier.

He knew it would be like this when he saw her, he was not surprised at all.

"Di Lingtian, don't change the subject, you use enchantment house arrest is one thing, and now I am talking about another."

Jun Mohuang was even more angry.

"which one?"

Di Lingtian raised his eyebrows, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Seeing her angry, it didn't look like she was lying on purpose.

He thought about it, and in the near future he only thought that putting her under house arrest in the barrier would annoy her. He didn't know what else annoyed her.

"Don't pretend to be silly here. Just ten minutes ago, you had a tryst with the woman Binghan, pretending that you didn't know me, and said that I had admitted the wrong person."

"Hmph, how could I admit you wrong, your clothes, the color of your eyes, your voice, your breath, and your temperament now and then are exactly the same."

"Di Lingtian, it's fun to make me funny, isn't it? I won't just break the barrier you set up and sneak out and run to the Heavenly Spirit Realm alone? Are you going to anger me like this!"

Jun Mohuang said more and more aggrieved.

It was he who wanted to put him under house arrest first, and her escape was just a legitimate defense.

Di Lingtian did this to her.

The more Emperor Lingtian listened, his heart sank.

Ten minutes ago, he was still in the space-time passage from the Profound Capital Realm to the Heavenly Spirit Realm. It was absolutely impossible to appear in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Then he had a tryst with a woman named Binghan and deliberately angered her.

According to her, that person is exactly like him.

If someone pretended to be him, Jun Mohuang would definitely recognize it immediately.

It is impossible for others to be as comprehensive as she said, every key little detail is like him.

Not even Luo Chen.

Unless, that person!

Di Lingtian's heart shuddered, and his eyes were cold.

In the previous life, his mother burned him to ashes with a soul-eating fire, and now, he is making a comeback again.

What he was going to do, Di Lingtian couldn't understand it better. Di Lingtian remained silent, and quickly checked her whole body with aura, and found no abnormalities.

The colorful halo that Jun Mohuang was intercepted had automatically recovered in the first time.

Of course Di Lingtian couldn't find anything.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Jun Mohuang for the time being, Di Lingtian not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but his eyes became more solemn.

That person made a comeback, and when he met Jun Mohuang, he would never do nothing.

Emperor Lingtian held Jun Mohuang in his arms, suppressing his emotions, preventing her from noticing it.

Di Lingtian instinctively didn't want her to know about this matter.

He didn't want her to know the dirty past in his life.

"Huang'er, it's my fault."

Emperor Lingtian tightly imprisoned Jun Mohuang in his arms, and took advantage of the situation to carry the scapegoat.

"Finally admitted. Di Lingtian, let's calculate one by one. First, you want to put me under house arrest for a month in the barrier."

Di Lingtian admitted that Jun Mohuang finally felt a bad breath.

Hearing her mention this, Di Lingtian didn't say a word, took out a note, and stuffed it into Jun Mohuang's hand.

Jun Mohuang unfolded the note, her eyes shrank slightly, she probably knew why Di Lingtian wanted to **** him off on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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