Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2257: White Emperor Lingtian

Chapter 2257 The White Emperor Ling Tian

Following the power of the light source, she finally found the whereabouts of the ice pan on a big lake.

There is a lake pavilion in the middle of the lake, white gauze flutters with the wind, Jun Mohuang can reach, and a woman in a white dress sits face to face with a man in a white robe.

The woman in the white skirt is undoubtedly Binghan.

There was an imperceptible shyness on her cold face, and the man who wanted to come across was her sweetheart.

The opposite man sat with his back to Jun Mohuang, she couldn't see his appearance clearly.

However, Jun Mohuang felt that this person's back was very familiar.

There was a soundproof barrier floating by the lake, and Binghan obviously didn't want anyone to disturb the meeting between the two.

"Who dares to disturb Master Binghan's rest, **** it!"

The appearance of Jun Mohuang immediately attracted the guards here.

These guards drew their weapons directly.

Jun Mohuang was fast, clean and tidy, and took care of this group of Yuanhuang Realm guards.

She grasped a ruled line in the void, and gently twitched, the soundproof barrier collapsed.

The ink ribbon and golden phoenix wings unfolded, and Jun Mohuang descended into the lake pavilion.

The four circles of golden feathers on the phoenix wings directly cut the lake center pavilion into pieces.

The man in white clothes opposite Binghan still maintained an elegant sitting posture.

A slight smile curled up at the corner of his lips, which made his extremely handsome face even more breathtaking.

A transparent barrier quickly appeared, covering the entire man.

With the sound of the Huxin Pavilion collapsing, dust and gravel were flying all over the sky, Binghan was staring at the man in front of her obsessively, bewildered by his sudden smile, and his reaction was slow.

The white, cloud-like dress was dirty with dust.

If she hadn't reacted quickly, she would have been hit by the fallen wooden beam.

Binghan is dusty, and the man on the opposite side is completely opposite to her.

He sits gracefully, amidst the ruins, especially eye-catching.

The white robe is as new, not even a single dust on it.


Binghan was furious and reached out to pat off the dust on the white dress.

Here she meets with her sweetheart, maintaining an elegant and noble image throughout, and forbids anyone to disturb.

This person not only ran to disturb her, but also came to wreak havoc. She had to tear this person to pieces.

"Of course it is me."

Jun Mohuang descended behind Binghan and attacked Binghan in the area of ​​palm wind.

Binghan didn't have time to turn around to see who was coming, so she hit her vest with a palm of her hand, and plunged into the lake, becoming a chicken.

Jun Mohuang was about to chase after victory. Without Binghan's obstacle, she suddenly saw the appearance of the white-clothed man.

Jun Mohuang's pupils shrank, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

In huge consternation, she forgot to chase Binghan.

Just now she also felt that there must be a demon if she tried to act abnormally.

Now, the demon was sitting in front of her.

Di Lingtian was dressed in his white robe, a light priest of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, with a calm complexion, sitting in the ruins.

There is a golden three-petal lotus embroidered on his collar, gleaming in the sky.

This is the sign of the third-level priest of light in the heavenly spirit world.

Jun Mohuang's gaze made him rarely raise his eyes.

He was as dark as ink, and his deep eyes gave her a faint look, and it quickly fell.

"Ling Tian, ​​why are you here!"

Jun Mohuang's lips parted in surprise, she wondered if she was dazzled.

Except for the color of the eyes, the facial features of the man in front of him are exactly the same as Di Lingtian.

It's just that the temperament of the two is somewhat different.

The robes of the priest of light like a cloud made his whole person sacred and abnormal, and even a glance would make people feel defiled.

(End of this chapter)

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