Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2256: Lake Heart Pavilion Tryst

Chapter 2256 Huxin Pavilion Tryst

"Wild girl, what if you recognize us and meet the conditions to replace us? Master Binghan is watching you. As long as you dare to do something, she will kill you immediately!"

The two thought of Binghan again, and their hearts were settled.

"Which attic do you mean."

The side of Jun Mohuang's body let out his vision.

The two of them don't need to look up to see that the attic is empty, where there is ice Han.

"This! How is this possible!"

The two were shocked.

Master Binghan killed this girl, how could she be gone!

However, they have lost the opportunity to figure out why Binghan is not there.

Jun Mohuang wrapped his hands with the power of the light source and hit the sea of ​​anger between the two.

The power of the light source is prosperous among the two people.

The dazzling white light completely enveloped Jun Mohuang and the two.

After a minute, the white light faded.

Jun Mohuang moved his wrist.

Worthy of being a third-level priest of light, the power of the light source in the sea of ​​qi continued to flow, and she absorbed it for a minute to completely absorb it.

But what the **** was that woman doing.

Obviously want to kill her, she should do it the minute she absorbed the power of the light source.

Now, Binghan not only didn't do anything, but also didn't send anyone to find her fault. It was abnormal.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Jun Mohuang left the two dead, holding flying blades in their hands, and began to wander around the bright temple of ice.

Along the way, some people rushed up to teach Jun Mohuang, but were beaten to the ground by Jun Mohuang.

These people included the guards in the Shrine of Light of Ice Han, as well as other priests of light who were invited here to feast.

After seeing Jun Mohuang's power, no one went to provoke her.

These people can only allow the Emperor Mohuang to walk around in the bright temple of Binghan, as if entering the realm of no one.

The other priests of light had already smelled the smell of gunpowder.

When Jun Mohuang took a few shots, they knew that this woman was definitely not a good crop. Before she and Binghan, either you died or I lived.

The gods fight, the little ghost suffers.

Don't run at this time, wait when.

These priests of light just wanted to save their lives and their hard-won position as priests of light.

"What to do, this woman is so powerful, we must go and notify Master Binghan!"

The people under Binghan hid in the dark, watching Jun Mohuang holding the crescent-shaped flying blade in both hands walking around the Temple of Light with a look of trepidation.

"No, Master Binghan entertained Young Master Ling in the Huxin Pavilion, and no one can be disturbed if he commanded him. Whoever disturbs is a dead word."

"I just went to take a look at it quietly. The group of people who went to report to the adults in the first place have all been killed and all nailed to the wall."

When a subordinate said this, he was accustomed to Binghan's cruel methods, and couldn't help shivering.

"Let's run away. This woman has broken in. Whether we go to whistle or not, staying here will end up with a dead word."

This time Binghan faced Jun Mohuang, even if Binghan wins, he will not be able to spare them.

Escape to the remote seven-level city, or beyond the seventh-level city, they still have a way to survive.

The words of this subordinate moved everyone.

Ever since, the people in the Binghan Guangming Temple fled.

Binghan's Temple of Light was huge, but Jun Mohuang's speed was extremely fast.

It's easy to find ice scallions.

In this place, apart from Jun Mohuang, Binghan's light source is the strongest.

(End of this chapter)

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