Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2252: I'm your fiancee

Chapter 2252 I am your fiancee

Obviously, he didn't just remember the encounter with Jun Mohuang in the Heavenly Pole Valley.

When Zi Shuilan transformed into the Noble Truth of Ziyun, he remembered more.

"The emperor will send troops to attack the heavenly spirit world! At that time, the emperor hopes to see your cooperation with the demons on the battlefield."

Zi Shuilan suddenly stopped talking.

After finishing speaking, he was no longer paying attention to Di Lingtian, turned around and left.

"The deity will not appear, the deity is going to the Heavenly Spirit Realm to accompany Huang'er, there is no time."

Zi Shuilan had only taken two steps before Di Ling Tian spoke quietly behind him.

Zi Shuilan turned around abruptly and saw the corners of Di Lingtian's lips hooked slightly, filled with a very bewitching smile.

Zi Shuilan was pretty sure that he was showing off.

"Zi Shuilan, choose your own choice, don't forget, you just owed the deity a favor."

Di Lingtian dropped these words and jumped on his toes.

The golden talisman was taking him quickly into the air, and Emperor Lingtian stretched his arms, tearing the void away.

Zi Shuilan clenched his fists when he saw the space recovered as before.

Emperor Mohuang is in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, so Emperor Lingtian will not lie to him, and there is no need to lie to him.

He must immediately send troops to the Heavenly Spirit Realm to cover Jun Mohuang.

As for Di Lingtian...

He has become the Beast Emperor of the Profound Capital Realm, and they will be long in Japan.

He has a chance.

With a flick of her sleeves, Zi Shuilan strode towards the hall of discussion.

He revealed his true body in the air just now, without him having to issue any summons, all the ministers of the City of Ten Thousand Beasts were already there automatically waiting for him.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! You finally succeeded!"

On Zi Shuilan's way to the Hall of Discussion on Government, Su Zhiyun was full of joy, greeted him quickly, and saluted him respectfully.

Then, Su Zhiyun looked at Zi Shuilan obsessively.

Zi Shuilan's appearance is very beautiful.

After becoming the Beast King, the whole person's temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Violet-like eyes were full of cold light, watching everything.

He is aloft, noble, and he is a king.

Great, she Su Zhiyun is finally going to become the queen of Xuandu Realm.

Under one person and above ten thousand people, she will enjoy endless glory in her life.

"Grab this woman and put it in a jail. No one is allowed to visit her."

Zi Shuilan walked straight in front of Su Zhiyun, without even looking at her.

The tribe that Su Zhiyun belongs to is not small in the mysterious capital world.

When he was just the crown prince, he couldn't do anything to her.

Now that he is back to be the Beast Emperor of the Profound Capital Realm, no one can threaten him.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Did you make a mistake, I am your fiancee!"

Su Zhiyun yelled in horror.

I couldn't believe that such words would come out of Zi Shuilan's mouth.

Before she came to Xuandu Realm with Zi Shuilan, she changed from a purple fox back to a human form, and Zi Shuilan did not show any disgust towards her.

Su Zhiyun couldn't understand why Zi Shuilan's current attitude suddenly changed drastically.

"Fiancee? You deserve it too."

"This woman collaborated with the enemy and treason, had close contacts with the gods and queens of the heavenly spirit world, and revealed the secrets of the orcs to the heavenly spirit world, dragging her down."

Zi Shuilan sneered and kept walking.

This was just an arrangement in his previous life to allow himself to return to the position of the Beast King as soon as possible.

Even the heirs of the descendants of the beast queen he killed just now are fake.

The previous beast emperor was his own in the previous life, and where is his heir.

This arrangement has advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage is that this woman, and that he owes Di Lingtian a favor.

(End of this chapter)

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