Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2251: Cook more meat for you

Chapter 2251 I'll cook more meat for you

She suspected that she was dreaming.

"Don't call me Brother Ling Tian, ​​call me Ling Tian. Also, when you come home, remember to remind me to cook more meat for you to make you grow taller."

Di Lingtian looked at her dazed, couldn't help feeling funny.


The little Jun Mohuang's mind was still dizzy.

She didn't know why she asked, why did Di Lingtian ask her to be called, or whether Di Lingtian wanted her to eat more meat.

"You are too short. I can't kiss you well. I have to bend over and work harder."

Di Lingtian said it for granted.

"like this."

He said, leaning over and kissing her on the forehead.

"Huang'er, I'm leaving, see you later."

Di Lingtian's tone was gentle and full of petting.

His body gradually became transparent, disappearing like Zi Shuilan.


In the Profound Capital Realm, the city of ten thousand beasts, the rich purple brilliance illuminates the entire city of longevity.

But purple clouds floated, and the sky all turned into a thick purple.

The huge meaning of purple clouds formed by Zishuilan occludes the sky and the sun.

The orcs in the City of Ten Thousand Beasts can only vaguely see his body like a purple fire, and cannot see the whole picture at all.

In the city of ten thousand beasts, all the orcs are cheering loudly.

Because they had waited so long in the Profound Capital Realm, they finally waited for the return of the Beast Emperor.

Zi Shuilan circled in the air, turned into a purple lightning, and descended on the Beast Emperor Palace.

Not long after, a scream of pain sounded.

Zi Shuilan killed all the other unsuccessful beast prince sons.

Purple blood splashed on his face and robe, and Zi Shuilan's violet eyes were calm and unforgiving.

It made the purple auspicious cloud-shaped Beast Emperor logo on his forehead even more eccentric.

"Very wonderful."

Di Lingtian clapped his hands and slowly descended from the air.

"The person just now was you."

Zi Shuilan turned around to look at Di Lingtian, with an extremely precise tone, with defensive eyes in her eyes.

As long as he thought of the memories he had just recalled from his previous life, Zi Shuilan's mood fluctuated violently.

Not only because Di Lingtian threw him out of the cabin at the time, but also because he remembered that Di Lingtian had always treated Jun Mo Phoenix coldly.

Before and after, his attitude was very different from now, it can be said to be completely opposite.

"Yes, it's the deity."

Di Lingtian did not shy away from it.

"You are close to Mo Phoenix, what are you trying to do!"

Zi Shuilan rushed forward and rushed to fight Di Lingtian.

Di Lingtian stretched out his hand, and a thick rune shield quickly condensed in the air, blocking the rushing Zi Shuilan.

"The deity doesn't have time to fight with you now. You have become the Beast King, and immediately send troops to the Heavenly Spirit Realm."

Zi Shuilan sneered: "You are right, Emperor Lingtian, this emperor has become the beast emperor of the Profound Capital Realm and sits on an equal footing with you. Why does this emperor listen to your orders!"

Send troops to attack the heavenly spirit world...

It's ridiculous, he should immediately send troops to attack the Nine Nether World.

"If you don't listen, you have to listen, because Huang'er is now in the heavenly spirit world, right under Luo Chen's nose."

"In a few days, she will become a second-level priest of light. If you want her to be discovered by Luo Chen, you can attack the Nine Nether Realm."

Di Lingtian easily understood Zi Shuilan's thoughts.

"Heavenly Spirit Realm! You... how can you bear to let her go to such a place alone, you know that Luo Chen from the previous life..."

Zi Shuilan's eyes are like swords.

(End of this chapter)

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