Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2239: Not worthy to come in person

Chapter 2239 is not worthy to come forward in person

Jun Mohuang's treatment success rate has been maintained at 100%.

The speed is no one is fast, the security is not high, and the spirit race has always been very cautious in dealing with important matters of children.

Even if these priests of light under the banner of the queen of the heavenly spirit world, the effect is not good, no one wants to go to them.

They would rather go to Jun Mohuang.

In the spiritual palace.

The fact that the power of the light source obtained by the girl in white was too good was discovered by the leader of the black shadow man.

The black shadow man leader watched her get this pitiful light source power during this time, and couldn't help frowning.

"What the **** is going on, now that the small fortune of the Spirit Race has exploded into the fourth-level city, how did you gain this light source power!"

"I... I don't know what's going on, I immediately ask the priests of light."

The black shadow man's leader had a dark and terrifying face, and under the frown, it became even more terrifying.

As the white-clothed girl spoke, she quickly took out the sound transmission jade talisman from the spatial ring.

"What! Ask the priests of light! In this way, during this period of retreat, you did not personally come forward to treat those spiritual pregnant women!"

The black shadow leader widened his eyes and stared at her fiercely.

"...You didn't let me come forward to treat them personally. When these spirit races were desperate, just let the priest of light save people under my banner and let me appear as a savior. What's wrong with what I did? "

The girl in white was frightened by the look of his anger, and then became confident again.

She has been doing what he asks, nothing is wrong, he has any right to lose his temper.


The leader of the black shadow man is almost to death by her.

"The deity said to let you appear in the image of the savior means to let you appear in person!"

"The deity asked you to have a snack on this matter, how do you care about it?!"

"My lord, you didn't make it clear by yourself. Those spirit races have low identities, but they are all spirit races below level 4. How worthy of me to take care of it myself, I am their **** queen."

The girl in white was not convinced.

The Sombra boss didn't say that she wanted her to come out in person before.

Secondly, the blood flow was so much and so dirty during the miscarriage, the status of these spirit races was too low, and it was not worthy of her honour and nobility at all.

"What I plan to do is to come out in person when the spirit tribe with bloodline level 3 and above has a large-scale outbreak of miscarriage. Of course, among these spirit tribes, if they are not from a large family and have important duties in the family, this I won’t do it myself."

The girl in white said proudly.

She is the **** queen of the heavenly spirit world, she has her identity and dignity.

"You! Self-reliant on your identity, what's so great about your identity as the **** queen of the Heavenly Spirit Realm? Compared with the identity of descendants of the **** race, it's not even a fart!

"Do you still want the Heart of Origin to recognize you as Lord?"

The black shadow leader was so angry that he couldn't help but swear.

He really wanted to split the white-clothed girl's brain to see how her brain grew.

Is the sentence "appearing as the savior" really so difficult to understand?

She has seen a savior appearing in an indirect form when the people are desperate!

He missed the word "in person", and she came to be lazy and let the priest of light do it for her.

The effects of appearing in person and appearing indirectly are completely different, especially the white-clothed girl has a noble status in the heavenly spirit world.

At the time of desperation of the spirit races, the honorable and honorable Ken Yu personally treats these spirit races, and he will definitely be greatly moved. The quality of the power of the light source is very high.

(End of this chapter)

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