Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2238: Harvest

Chapter 2238 Harvesting

Mo Xi is familiar with the affairs of the heavenly spirit world, Jun Liyuan finally recognizes his daughter, and no one can separate him from his precious daughter.

A few days later, signs of miscarriage of pregnant women in the seven-tier cities of the Heavenly Spirit World began to erupt.

Jun Mohuang left Seven Star City and traveled to all levels of cities to treat these spiritual pregnant women.

The three pharmacists, Feng Yunqi, the Dragon and the Mo people formed a small team, and the soldiers were divided.

They plan the route in advance, divide the work well, and never repeat the routes between them.

Everyone was administering medicine under the banner of Jun Mohuang. In half a month, Jun Mohuang not only gained the power of massive light sources.

She also became the priest of light for ten sixth-level cities, five sixth-level cities, three fifth-level cities, and one fourth-level city.

On average, she is a priest of light who has become a city in one day.

This speed is very fast.

The spirit races value the heirs this time, and Jun Mohuang rescued the spirit race pregnant women who showed signs of miscarriage very quickly.

Her deeds in Seven Star City, Wancheng and Xuancheng slowly spread, and many of the spirit races in the city have heard of her deeds before they have seen Jun Mohuang.

Signs of a large-scale outbreak of miscarriage, any medicine is useless, the alchemists are helpless, and the spirit races are terrified.

The arrival of Jun Mohuang and her successful treatment made these spirit races grateful to her.

One day was passed from ten to one hundred. Until now, it was not Jun Mohuang going to other cities, but the spirit races of other cities who heard that they disappeared, and took the initiative to find her.

Counting the help of three pharmacists, Feng Yunqi, the Dragon and Mo people.

This kind of speed is very fast, but it also makes sense.

Jun Mohuang successfully promoted to the fourth-level priest of light.

The treatment of pregnant women of the Spirit Race was successful. Among these pregnant women and their families, 95% of the light source power generated by gratitude was obtained by Jun Mohuang.

Another five percent was obtained by the priest of light who was a subordinate of the high priest.

The white-clothed girl disliked the **** smell of miscarriage and relied on her identity, and was unwilling to personally treat these low-identity spiritual pregnant women.

Following the instructions of the leader of the shadow man, she first asked the priest of light to make a rescue.

After these pregnant women of the spirit race have miscarried one after another, let the priests of light follow the method she taught, let these priests of light use her banner to treat these pregnant women of the spirit race.

Just as the leader of the black shadow man said, when these spirit races appear as a savior when they are desperate, they will gain more light source power.

The girl in white has a very good abacus, she can get most of the power of the light source without having to come out in person.

When things are done, let these priests of light sacrifice the remaining power of the light source, perfect.

But what the girl in white did not expect at all was that the power of the light source she received during this period was simply pitiful.

The method taught to her by the black shadow man leader, after turning around by the priests of light, had no effect on the same level as Jun Mohuang's treatment method.

They were far slower than Jun Mohuang in treating pregnant women of the spirit tribe, and even the Fengyun Qilong tribe and the Mo tribe, who were only treated with pill, could not compare.

Usually it is the King Mohuang who has rescued ten people, and the priests of light can rescue one person.

The priests of light delayed a lot of time in the early stage according to the order of the girl in white.

What worries the spirit races even more is that these priests of light have killed people in the process of healing.

(End of this chapter)

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