Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2230: Xuanbing guards the bloodline

Chapter 2230 Xuan Bing guards the bloodline

"Where there is no fragrant grass in the world, why just love a single flower? Don't think about my sister Mo Huang all the time. I think I can barely be a personal emperor."

Mo Xi ran to the Emperor's Crown and began to sell himself.

The Emperor's crown shook, as if he glanced at Mo Xi, then expressed disapproval and immediately walked away.

Mo Xi was instantly discouraged when he saw the reaction of the Emperor's Crown away from him.

This girl is good, but she is a spirit race after all.

She was right. Jun Mo could no longer be a human emperor, and the Bafang Profound Realm was a waste of time. This matter can no longer be delayed. It is time to elect a new emperor.

First of all, sisters Mo Xi and Mo Yaxi are spirit races and should be excluded.

Then, it can only be selected from the remaining human cultivators.

Forget those children, who are not even fifteen years old, rule out.

Baili Yunsheng is not unreliable, and Yue Rong is too old for five seniors.

The Emperor's Crown was chosen to be chosen, and finally fell on top of Yun Lan's head.

The dazzling purple and gold light exploded from the Emperor's crown, covering Yun Lan.

A purple-gold beam of light rose into the sky, and the air in the entire Bafang Profound Realm shook slightly to tell everyone that there was a new emperor in the Bafang Profound Realm.

The bloodline of the guardian in Yun Lan-Xuanbing bloodline was completely inspired by the imperial crown and evolved to the highest level.

The power of the bloodline immediately resonated strongly with those around him who had the same guardian bloodline.

For example, Baili Yunsheng.

Baili Yun Sheng looked at Yun Lan, who was still in a cloud of purple and golden light, with a look of astonishment.

This kind of strong resonance between the guardian bloodlines can only exist between the bloodlines and relatives.

In the palace where the Baili Patriarch and his wife were under house arrest, Mrs. Baili was crying. Suddenly she immediately stopped crying and grabbed Baili Patriarch's hand with excitement.

"Lan'er! Husband, it is Lan'er! It is definitely Lan'er."

"Yes, it is indeed Lan'er!"

Patriarch Baili took Madam Baili's hand and rushed out of the palace at the fastest speed.

There was a barrier in the palace that restricted the movement of the two of them, but under the strong resonance of Xuanbing's blood, the barrier was directly broken.

The two walked like flying, which did not match their current age at all.

Baili Patriarch and his wife rushed to the outside of the palace, following the purple and golden light.

The purple and gold light slowly faded, and they happened to see Yun Lan, dressed in white, wearing a royal crown, and matching that handsome face, like a **** descending into the world.

Baili Patriarch and his wife looked at each other, and they both saw affirmation in each other's eyes.

The resonance of Xuan Bing's bloodline came from Yun Lan.

"Lan'er! My Lan'er! My mother has been looking for you for more than ten years and finally found you!"

Madam Baili took the lead and rushed directly to Yun Lan, hugging him and wept with joy.


Patriarch Baili looked excited, his eyes flushed, and quickly followed.

Suddenly, Yun Lan was selected by the Emperor's Crown to become the new Emperor of the Bafang Profound Realm, but he didn't react much.

Mrs. Baili suddenly rushed over, but Yun Lan unexpectedly kept her.

"Big...Big brother."

Baili Yunsheng looked at Yun Lan, his eyes gradually red.

No wonder he had a natural sense of intimacy when he first met Yun Lan in Luoyun City.

Because Yun Lan is his elder brother who has been missing for many years, Baili Yun Lan.

According to Mrs. Baili, Baili Yunlan is the strongest descendant of Xuanbing bloodline born in the Baili family over the years.

Because the Xuanbing bloodline in his body was too strong, his appearance was not like that of his parents, and he looked more like the first ancestor of the Baili family.

(End of this chapter)

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