Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2229: A handful of bitter tears

Chapter 2229 A bitter tear

"Sheng'er is so filial, she has worked so hard to ask for the pill for us, how could she not come to give us the pill in person!"

Mrs. Baili is even more plausible.

In the eyes of the two, Jun Mohuang was an extremely vicious person, and deliberately shut the two in this palace to let them slowly grow old.

Baili Yunsheng must be kneeling in the footsteps of Jun Mohuang, begging for a long time before he begged for these two pills.

"Sheng'er hasn't come to see us for more than ten days. It must be that Sheng'er was beaten up by the wild girl surnamed Jun for medicine!"

Madame Baili suddenly realized.

So this is the real reason why Baili Yunsheng could not come to deliver the medicine in person.

And the Xuanbing Lingzhu on Mo Xi must have been snatched from the seriously injured Baili Yunsheng.

"You robber! Just as vicious as the woman surnamed Jun, Yun Sheng is also a filial piety seeking medicine for us. How can you severely wound her and take the opportunity to **** the heirloom treasure of our Baili family!"

Mrs. Baili suddenly figured everything out.

She stared at Mo Xi viciously, as if she had done something heinous.

Mo Xi: "..."

What to do, Madame Baili’s ability to replenish her brain, she really wronged her not to write a novel.

Mo Xi didn't bother to explain, the matter was done, and he turned and left the palace.

"Husband, take a look at this girl's attitude! As expected, she is not a family, so she doesn't enter a house. It's exactly the same as that cheap girl surnamed Jun."

"My miserable Shenger..."

Thinking of Baili Yunsheng's tragic encounter with her family, Mrs. Baili wiped her tears and began to weep.

Patriarch Baili looked at his wrinkled hands, feeling irritable, and had no time to comfort Mrs. Baili.

Thinking that he is in the midst of prosperity and great changes, but he has become a bad old man. Who can live like such a bad old man for so many years.

Mo Xi finished the matter and returned to the place where everyone usually gathers together for practical training.

"What's the matter, why is the Emperor Crown suddenly quiet today."

Mo Xi couldn't help but wonder when he saw the Emperor's Crown hanging quietly in the air.

Since Jun Mohuang left, the Human Emperor's Crown has jumped up and down in the direction she left every day.

Every day, he would inevitably travel back and forth between the endless black realm and the place where Jun Mohuang left the Bafang Profound Realm, looking reluctant to give up.

Suddenly suspended here quietly today, with a look of lack of energy, no moths are making trouble, it looks abnormal.

When the Emperor Crown heard Mo Xi's words, it shook slightly, and then began to float still in the air.

The Emperor's Crown was depressed to death.

Jun Mohuang went to the Heavenly Spirit Realm alone, but he was worried, and quietly touched her to leave a breath.

Just now, it actually sensed that Jun Mohuang had become the priest of light in the heavenly spirit world and was respected and respected by the people of the spirit race.

The spirit race slaughtered the cultivators of the human race in the Octagon Profound Realm, causing the human race to almost annihilate the race. The Human Emperor's Crown had long regarded the heaven and all the spirit races as enemies.

Jun Mohuang became the light priest of the spirit race, which meant that she could no longer be the emperor of the eight directions profound realm.

The **** hatred is over, no matter how much the Emperor's Crown favors Jun Mohuang, he can't.

How can the Emperor's Crown not be depressed? After so many years, it has not been easy to find a suitable candidate for the Emperor. As a result...

Alas, what a bitter tears.

"Hey, I said, what do you think of me. Although I am a spirit race, I am different from the spirit race in the heavenly spirit world. This time I also participated in the rescue of the human race and saved many human races."

Today's update is complete...

Thank you 0728, Qingleiyanyan and other babies for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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