Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2201: Serious loss, my heart is bleeding

Chapter 2201 Serious loss, my heart is bleeding

Liao Yongfu's heart was bleeding.

The emissary of the lord has already stated that as long as you conceive in this valley, you will definitely be pregnant with triplets.

The Liao family has 16 female families this time, which means that their Liao family has lost forty-eight children in the future.

For the spirit family with low fertility rate, a family loses 48 children at one time, which is an incalculable loss.

The Liao family and the Yan family competed with each other. Originally, there were more female relatives in the Liao family than in the Yan family.

More female dependents mean that there will be more children born in the future.

The more heirs in the family, the greater the future power of the patriarch.

Liao Yongfu was quite proud of it. In the City of Seven Stars, the Liao family and the Yan family have always been evenly matched. In the future, the Yan family will definitely be compared by their Liao family.

As a result, I didn't expect all the descendants of the Liao family were not retained.

"It must be your Yan Family Patriarch who conspired to join forces and deliberately killed 15 future heirs of our Liao Family!"

"The owner of the family said, how could you go and come back, how could you be so kind. It turns out that you and Yan Zhengqi, an old fox, have conspired long ago. When you come back, you want to save people, just to kill the offspring of our Liao family!"

The more Liao Yongfu thinks, the more angry he is, and the more he speaks, the more sure he is guessing in his heart.

It must be so right!

This wild girl's medical skills are so good that it is not easy to save the female family members and the children in their wombs in less than half a minute.

But she was unwilling to save, it must be what he guessed!

"Patriarch of the Liao family, let me remind you that when I come back, all of your daughters in the Liao family have had a miscarriage."

No matter how good her medical skills are, can it still be impossible to plug the embryos that flow out again.

Facing Liao Yongfu's reaction, Jun Mohuang twitched his lips silently.

Feng Yunqi couldn't stand it either, and immediately stood up and retorted with Liao Yongfu's temper.

"Hey, old man, are you too old and deaf? The boss warned you from the beginning that if you don't get help, you will definitely kill you."

"Just now when our boss left, I reminded you, but you are self-righteous. You look down on our boss and think she is a liar, so you just don’t let her save. It’s you who look down on people and look down on people. Kind of jerky and crooked, hate the best time to save people."

"The culprit of these Liao family's daughters has a small birth! You are the culprit! You killed these unborn children!"

"Our boss ignored the predecessors and helped you **** the Liao family back from the ghosts. What else do you want? Do you want her to stuff back the drained stuff? You think you are pregnant with barbecued pork. You can just stuff it back? "

The depression in Feng Yunqi's heart has been holding back for a long time, this time he caught the opportunity and directly sprayed Liao Yongfu with blood.

"Yes... Patriarch, Master Jun is kind to come back to save us, you can't think like this..."

Even the rest of the Liao family felt that the head of the Liao family was making trouble unreasonably.

"You know what a shit! What a kindness, if she is really kind, as early as when the owner of the family strongly opposed her to save people, she should have rescued all the daughters of the Liao family and the fetus in the womb regardless!"

"This is a kindness! It's not like her, knowing that procrastination will kill people, but because the owner of the family misunderstands her, she will not act."

Faced with Feng Yunqi's accusation, Liao Yongfu blushed at first, and then became more arrogant and confident without any embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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