Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2200: More power of light source

Chapter 2200 More Power of Light Source

Because she didn't go far at all.

Jun Mohuang made up his mind and wanted to return to save people.

"The owner of the family tells you that you must save the life of your daughter, or the owner of the family will kill you!"

Liao Yongfu threatened Jun Mohuang viciously.

This wild girl said that she had left, and came back so soon. She just left is a fake, she just wanted to defraud the Liao family's money.

If his daughter has any shortcomings, he doesn't mind breaking the rules and killing this untouchable.

Jun Mohuang ignored Liao Yongfu and opened the door to enter the cabin where Liao Xianer was.

"Hey, wild girl, my master is talking to you, did you hear it?"

Liao Yongfu couldn't help taking a step forward, standing at the door shouting loudly.

The answer to him was the wooden door closed by Jun Mohuang with a wave of his hand.

Liao Yongfu couldn't avoid it, his face was shot directly by the wooden door, and two strings of nosebleeds snaked down.

"This stinky girl, my family mainly killed you!"

Liao Yongfu touched his nose, touched the blood in his hand, and couldn't help becoming angry.

Feng Yunqi, Wu Qianyong and Shi Feng couldn't help but feel angry.

What kind of person, the boss of the loss specially came back to save this person's daughter.

If this kind of person has anything to save, he should let all his family members die here and let him know the retribution!

"Whatever, if you don't want your daughter to live, you can kill me now."

From the wooden house, Jun Mohuang Bing's cold and indifferent voice came.

Liao Yongfu finally stopped, but there was still anger on that face.

He wanted to enter the cabin, but was scolded by Jun Mohuang again.

Liao Yongfu felt wronged in his heart and thought bitterly, not just a pariah, proud of something.

Wait until she will cure all the female family members of the Liao family, and when she is useless, he will let her see the power of the Liao family's patron.

In less than a minute, Jun Mohuang walked out of the cabin where Liao Xianer was.

She immediately walked to the cabin where the other female relatives were.

Liao Yongfu immediately entered the cabin and saw that Liao Xian'er's complexion returned to ruddy, and the blood had stopped, and there was no sign of weakness. As soon as he felt relieved, shock flashed in his heart.

In such a short period of time, taking people back from the ghost gate and returning to normal, this wild girl really has some means.

Two minutes later, Jun Mohuang cured all the female dependents of the Liao family and returned to normal.

All the Liao family members, including those of the Liao family and their husbands who were rescued by Jun Mohuang, are grateful to Jun Mohuang.

"Thank you, Master Jun, who is still willing to come back to treat the little people's wife regardless of the previous suspicion."

The husbands of these female relatives knelt down to Jun Mohuang.

Spirit race people, even those with the lowest blood level, are very proud.

Jun Mohuang went and returned, saving their wives regardless of the previous suspicion, showing the kindness of her heart.

The Liao family felt very ashamed for Liao Yongfu's treatment of Jun Mohuang before.

They also worship Jun Mohuang more, so Jun Mohuang gets more light source power.

Almost every Liao family got the power of a light source the size of a soybean.

Everyone was very happy, except for Liao Yongfu.

"Wild girl, you can explain clearly to the owner why their children are gone! You let the Yan family, mother and child be safe, but let our Liao family's daughters lose all the flesh and blood in the abdomen. What is your intention!

Liao Yongfu saw that all of the Liao family's women were rescued by Jun Mohuang, and his happiness lasted only a few seconds.

Soon he discovered that none of the fetuses in the wombs of the Liao family members had been saved, including his own daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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