Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1793: No death what are you rushing

Chapter 1793, what are you worried about

To be on the safe side, Jun Mohuang released Yuanba who had been turned into an African black brother by his own toxin.

"Say, who gave you this toxin and taught you how to control the toxin. You have said it obediently now, and I will consider giving you a pleasure."

"I said, I said, yes..."

Yuanba was collapsed by Toxin's mentality, and he would hear Jun Mohuang willing to give him a happy one, and immediately said.

However, he was about to tell the real murderer, and the toxins all over his body broke out instantly.

Yuanba's body shook towards the electric shock, and after spitting out a large mouthful of black blood, he rolled his eyes and died.

"I know the techniques she cultivates, it really is her!"

Yue Rong's palms pressed hard and directly squeezed the armrest of the chair into powder.

Jun Mohuang asked softly, "Does Master still have to return to Lingyuanzong?"

"Not back."

That woman didn't keep her promise, why should he keep it.

"Little apprentice, I'm going to retreat for my teacher, and your five brothers, please take care of you."

Yue Rong got up, leaving such a sentence, his figure was so fast that there was only an afterimage, and he walked toward the training room.


"Who is the one who poisoned the younger brother?"

"I don't know, I am afraid it is a difficult opponent to pay."

The four seniors began to discuss in a low voice.

"Little brother, how are you feeling now, do you want to take a break?"

Jun Mohuang didn't know whether the "she" Yue Rong said was a male or a female, and who it was, but she always had an intuition that this matter might have something to do with the life experience of the younger brother Yue Ning.

"No, little Junior Sister, I feel so good now, I don't need to rest at all. Let's start implementing the plan to become a strong Yuanhuang realm within one year."

Yue Ning is now extremely eager to become stronger.

Yue Rong knew who the enemy was but didn't say it, obviously because the enemy's power was too strong.

He will continue to grow stronger, so strong that no one will dare to harm him anymore, strong enough to personally revenge one day!

"Okay, let's get started."


The edge of the endless black domain, the eternal moon sect.

In a training room studded with various auxiliary cultivation spars, a woman who was sitting cross-legged cultivating suddenly opened her eyes.

Her facial features are extremely cold, and her dark eyes are all indifferent, without any trace of human touch.

When the woman turned her wrist, a drop of black toxin slowly appeared in her palm.

"What an overbearing poison. I have studied with great concentration for so long and haven't refined this toxin to such a degree. Who is this person, so powerful!"

No, she has to follow the clues and investigate on the spot.

She would never allow anyone in this world who knew the secret better than her.

She is going to kill her!

The indifferent woman got up and just opened the door of the training room.

"Madam, it's okay, Young Master Rong..."

A person with the appearance of a servant rushed to the woman anxiously, out of breath.

"What's wrong with him, is he dead?"

The indifferent woman has no feelings at all.

"Uh, no. Young Master Rong has fluctuated and fluctuated in strength these days, and his body is about to reach its limit. Sect Master wants you to hurry up and inject Young Master again."

"It's not dead, what are you worried about. I see, I will go now."

After the indifferent woman listened, even if the son of Rong in the lower mouth was her own son, there was no emotional change.

It's like a completely unrelated stranger.

After she left, the servants couldn't help but shudder, treating her own son with this attitude, and the wife was as cold-blooded and ruthless as the clan said.

(End of this chapter)

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