Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1792: I say yes

Chapter 1792 I said yes

"Five seniors, don't be arrogant, look down on yourself, but have confidence in yourself and me. I just say yes."

"Come on, little brother, stretch out your hand, I will remove the poison for you first."

Jun Mohuang didn't take out the liquid medicine to prepare a medicated bath for the five people, but detoxified the little brother.

After nearly half a year of taking the Jun Mohuang refined pill, Yue Ning's body is no longer as weak as before. Apart from the sequelae of the toxins not being cleaned up, it is basically close to the level of a normal person.

"What, I was poisoned, why don't I know."

Yue Ning and the other four seniors were shocked.

The second brother looked nervous: "Little brother, when on earth did you get poisoned and how did you feel? We didn't notice any of them!"

Yue Ning looked dumbfounded: "I...I don't know, there is nothing uncomfortable about my body."

Senior Brother scratched his head: "Little Junior Sister, it's not you who made a mistake."

"Little disciple, what is going on in the end."

Different from the reactions of other seniors, Yue Rong had a solemn expression, and he obviously believed Jun Mohuang's words unconditionally.

"It's the poison Yuanba has inflicted on Little Senior Brother."

"This kind of poison has the characteristics of high concealment and slow onset of poison. After being infected with this kind of poison, there will be no poisoning characteristics, but you will feel weak, and you will die when weak to a certain extent. It looks like a chronic illness. There will be no doubts."

As Jun Mohuang said, the white and tender fingertips were beating with a bean-sized ink flame.

With a flick of her finger, the ink flame entered the younger brother's body.

The little brother instantly showed a painful expression.

"Little brother, don't be afraid, my ink-colored flame can help you drive out toxins from your body."

While soothing, Jun Mohuang minimized the pain caused by the ink flame to the younger brother's body.

The top grade water mirror spirit pill can relieve all kinds of poisons in the world.

The little brother has been poisoned for many years, and the toxin has been deposited and attached to the body.

If you want to completely clear the toxins, the power of the high-grade water mirror spirit pill is not enough.

The little brother's brow stretched a bit, but it was still very painful.

Three minutes later, the ink-colored flame wandered around in the little brother's body.

Drops of black liquid dripped from the ten fingers of the younger brother.

Jun Mohuang filled ten drops of toxin in a crystal bottle. The transparent crystal contrasted sharply with the black, strange and sticky toxin.

"I'm going, the younger brother is really poisonous in his body!" Senior brother leaned over, his eyes widened.

"It's no wonder that Xiaoshidi has been weak and sick since he was a child, and how many alchemists have been hired to treat him badly. It is actually poisoned."

"Yuanba, this villain, in order to **** the second peak, **** the position of the master belonging to the master, he is so vicious!"

When the brothers learned the truth, they exclaimed and showed extremely angry expressions.

"This toxin is very advanced, I don't think Yuanba can take it out. How does Master think about this matter."

Toxins are the collection of the world's overbearing and turbid powers. The spirit tribes of the heavenly spirit world are afraid of devil qi, and they are also afraid of toxins.

This kind of growth-type toxin is very advanced. Jun Mohuang believes that Yuanba alone can't get it, and it is impossible for Yuanba to control this toxin.

"It's not Yuanba. It's her! It's her! She's so vicious!"

All his own sons can be killed.

A seam was torn on Yue Rong's always calm face.

A strong hatred flashed in the dark eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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