Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1786: What's wrong

What's wrong with Chapter 1786

Also, his parents not only attacked her for her precious ideas, but also slandered her after being exposed.

She just saw that her face had not been announced.

Baili Yunsheng couldn't sever the relationship with his parents. How could the two in such a relationship continue to be friends.

Baili Yunsheng was lost for a while.

Jun Mohuang glanced at him, but in the end he said nothing.

Di Lingtian hugged her, summoned **** wings, and left Baili and his son to fly back to the newly built City Lord Mansion of Jun Mohuang.

"Ling Tian, ​​they saw your face, are you okay?"

Jun Mohuang suddenly remembered that these people did not see his blood eyes, but saw Di Lingtian's face.

What the devil emperor of Nine Netherworld looks like, these people only need to go back to the family and look through the database to see clearly.

At that time, Di Lingtian had to be recognized.

Di Lingtian stroked her little face: "Don't worry, these people won't remember my appearance."

On the tower, Baili father and son looked different.

Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian had been away for a long time, and they remembered that they were pushed down by Mrs. Baili by Di Lingtian.

The two found Mrs. Baili at the ground junction of the stairs of the tower.

The tower is built against the city wall and is three hundred meters high.

Di Lingtian shot, Madam Baili couldn't get rid of her troubles with spiritual energy on the way down.

Suddenly rolling down like this, Madam Baili's face was bruised, and her whole body was sore and painful from the steps.

This is a step made of Jingling Jade, which can withstand even fire elemental attacks, so the degree of firmness is naturally unnecessary.

Madame Baili rolled down, unable to stand up at all.

After Baili Patriarch and Baili Yunsheng helped Mrs. Baili up, they were immediately driven out of Luoyun City by the dragons.

As the door of Falling Cloud City slammed shut, Madame Baili's heart was extremely angry.

"Sheng'er, look at what kind of friends you have made with friends, that little girl, she said that she would not publish the evidence, and the result! This kind of unbelievable person, this lady will not allow you to have any more contact with her in the future !"

Mrs. Baili scolded her son for the first time.

"Mother, how can you say that. Miss sister originally did not intend to disclose it, but you thought that the evidence was false. You took the opportunity to humiliate others, and you had to make it public. Miss sister's partner couldn't stand it, so she finally made the move People are just fighting back just for their own reputation, what's wrong."

Baili Yunsheng looked at Madam Baili in astonishment. He had no idea that Madam Baili would actually blame Jun Mohuang.

"What...Sheng'er, you actually helped that little girl speak, and said that what that little girl did was right. You mean, your mother deserves to be pushed down, right?"

"Husband, take a look. This is my son who was conceived in October and raised with hard work. He actually helped outsiders speak."

Mrs. Baili first looked at Baili Yunsheng in disbelief, then leaned in the arms of the Patriarch Baili, and burst into tears.

"You unfilial son, how did you talk to your mother! Your mother was pushed down from such a high city by that man. You actually helped an outsider to speak, please apologize to your mother!"

Baili Patriarch saw his beloved wife crying sadly, and scolded Baili Yunsheng with a straight face.

"Yes, it's not right for people to push the mother, but is it right for the mother to scold Miss Sister as a cheap girl?"

Baili Yunsheng was not moved by Madame Baili's weeping and the reprimand of Baili Patriarch.

(End of this chapter)

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