Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1785: Sever relationship

Chapter 1785 Severing Relationship

Not afraid of the Baili family at all.

"Ying'er, Yin Ling, drive all these people out of Luoyun City, and forbid them to step into Luoyun City any more."

Jun Mohuang had no interest in the flattery of these wall-to-head grass.

Di Lingtian added faintly: "Received their space ring."

"Yes, female...cough, Lord Santo, Lord Santo...future husband"

The eyes of Jin Ying'er and Yin Ling burst out with strange brilliance.

With a group of dragon races incarnate, they grabbed the cultivator's collar and dragged it away unceremoniously. .

God knows, just now when the people forced Jun Mohuang to apologize, they got itchy in their hands and wished to do so.

Their Queen of the Heavenly Dragon Realm, how can they apologize to a Patriarch of the mere human race.

Even if Jun Mohuang really wrongly discredited Baili Patriarch's wife at the time, hum, Her Majesty the Empress had wrongly discredited, that was the honor of these two people.

Not only does he not kneel down and kowtow to thank you, but it is unreasonable to fan so many people into noise!

"Sovereign City Lord, we were wrong, so please spare us this time."

"Sovereign City Lord, we still want you"

These swaying walls panicked.

They were not allowed to step into Fallen Cloud City any more, and they had not received the space ring in their hands.

Wouldn't it be that a lot of amethysts that were spent today have been floated.

Well, this is not the point.

The point is that they will not be able to buy various high-quality cultivation resources such as the water element spirit crystals, and even those rare and exotic treasures in the Jun's auction house will never have a chance to get them again.

This is the worst.

However, no matter how these people begged, their space ring was pulled out, and they were recognized outside Luoyun City.

The gate of Falling Cloud City was shut, completely isolating these people.

"You have also seen that I offended Yongyue Sect and hurt the people of Yongyue Sect."

On the tower, Jun Mohuang looked at the remaining twenty people.

These twenty-odd people were very rare just now and did not ask her to apologize.

These people are not members of the four big wealthy families, and they act cautiously.

"Oh, maybe you still don’t know what the Eternal Moon Sect is. Then I will tell you that the Eternal Moon Sect is a more terrifying existence than the four giants, and it is higher than the four giants. You think carefully, and you will pay back in the future. Do you want to come to my Fallen Cloud City."

Jun Mohuang looked at these people with a playful look.

"Uh... this, just forget it, Lord Monarch, let's say goodbye first."

As soon as these people heard that it was a more terrifying existence than the four big wealthy families, they immediately met the cat and the mouse and ran away cleanly.

They didn't dare to provoke the four giants, not to mention the Yongyuezong who was more terrifying than the world of the four giants.

Even if Jun Mohuang had so many rare and exotic treasures and precious medicinal materials, he still had to have a small life.

Their family power is too bad, or even not, it is definitely not a good thing to associate with Jun Mohuang.

For a time, only Baili Yunsheng and Baili Patriarch were left on the tower.

The father and son were in a complicated mood, and didn't know what they were thinking, and even ignored the rolling Madame Baili.

"Miss sister, I...I'm sorry."

Baili Yunsheng's face flushed, and he felt very guilty for Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang said lightly: "I'm sorry that you don't have to say such things. Take care in the future."

"Miss Sister..."

Baili Yunsheng was stunned. The tone and meaning of her words clearly meant not to be friends anymore.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you for your reward from Bingjing World Baby.

Make up the rest tomorrow, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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