Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1780: Not so good 2

Chapter 1780 is really not good 2

These were the masters of the three Yuanhuang Realm. The arm was rubbed just like this, and a large piece of flesh and blood was taken away. How powerful are Jun Mohuang's giant bow and three giant swords.

What's more terrible is that when she shot these three people just now, she didn't use all her strength.

If Jun Mohuang exerts all his strength, or asks the powerful Yuanhuang realm around her to draw the bow, the three members of Yongyuezong are likely to explain here.

The people present looked at the giant bow placed above the tower, and their scalp chills.

This giant bow, coupled with the three white giant arrows of unknown material, is simply a big killer for Yuanhuang realm experts.

The attack speed is fast, the strength is great, and the arrow tip is sharp. When encountering such a weapon, it is secretly ambushed, and there is no chance to summon the spiritual power to protect itself.

Fortunately, the three giant arrows flew far, so you have to get them back manually, otherwise this giant bow is even more terrifying.

The cultivators onlookers breathed a sigh of relief now, and three white streams flashed quickly in the air.

The three giant arrows that flew far away automatically turned back, flew back to the side of the giant bow, and automatically mounted back to the position before the launch.

As long as someone stands in place and draws the bow again, the second attack can be achieved, even the action of the tower bow is not required.

"Tsk tusk, it seems that the master of Yongyuezong is really not good."

Jun Mohuang glanced at the three giant white arrows, stretched out his hand to gently draw the bowstring, and the corners of his lips were slightly hooked. He was very satisfied with their performance.

These three giant bows were made by the teeth of the strange fish in the big lake in the fifth level of the Tianlong Secret Realm.

It turns out that the teeth of the strange fish are really sharp.

It's a pity that when she was on the shore, the corpses of the strange fish she obtained were limited, and only three giant bows and a number of small self-defense weapons were refined.

But it doesn't matter, she still has a bunch of monster fish scales in her hand that are not useful yet, and these scales can be used to refine defensive armor.

The people around listened to Jun Mohuang's words, and secretly said in their hearts that there are so many masters around them, and there are also artifacts specially used to target the masters of the Yuanhuang Realm. Sure enough, this King City Lord has arrogant capital.

" little girl, hurry up and stop this lady!"

Madam Baili saw that Jun Mohuang was about to make a bow attack again, and immediately stepped forward and shouted.

In fact, she almost fainted when she saw Jun Mohuang draw a bow and shoot the three men in black in Yongyuezong.

Jun Mohuang wanted to draw a bow and shoot people again, how could Madam Baili bear it.

This cheap girl used conspiracy and tricks to pull the Baili family into the water. If these three members of the Yongyue Sect were really dead, the Baili family would be more than just peeling off their skin.

"Baby girl? The lady of the dignified hundred-mile family, I didn't expect to be so uneducated. If you call again, believe it or not, call this again, the city lord will draw the bow again, and come again to crucify the three people outside Luoyun City. "

Jun Mohuang stroked the bowstring lightly and sneered leisurely.

The current she is completely opposite to the frightened and frightened woman in the box just now.


Madame Baili's blood surged up and almost fainted.

This cheap girl has changed her face so quickly, she really just pretended to be.

"I deliberately lied to show weakness, deceived Ben and designed the Patriarch and his wife to make the Baili family offend Shangyuezong. Don't you think you have done too much!"

When the Patriarch Baili saw Mrs. Baili still speaking, he pulled her to his side.

At the same time, she squeezed Madam Baili's hand heavily to calm her down.

(End of this chapter)

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