Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1779: Not very good

Chapter 1779 is really not good

Her natal family is responsible for collecting and selling information for a living, and no one knows the fate of the Yongyuezong family more clearly than her.

She and the Baili Patriarch, and even the entire Baili family will not die, but the Baili family will definitely be stripped of their skin.

"What else can I do, stop it!"

Patriarch Baili was ashamed and angry.

Who would have thought that Jun Mohuang, a little yellow-haired girl, would play such tricks.

Actually use their greedy psychology to lure them into fools.

The point is, how did this lowly girl know that they had a crooked mind about her rare treasures? Patriarch Baili and Mrs. Baili were very puzzled.

Likewise, he couldn't figure out where the Yuanhuang realm master beside Jun Mohuang suddenly emerged from.

These are not important. The important thing is to stop Jun Mohuang from chaosing the name of the Baili family.

The two hurried to the tower.

When the Patriarch Baili and Mrs. Baili arrived, Jun Mohuang was putting three men in black from Yongyuezong on a huge bow.

"This is a bow and arrow newly refined by the city lord. Its penetration, range and attack power are all top-notch. This city lord is like to see whether it is the master of the Yongyue Sect or my bow and arrow. "

Jun Mohuang stood in front of the giant bow, fiddled with the bowstring, a smirk at the corner of his lips.

"Remind you, don't be chased by my bow and arrow, or I'm afraid your life will be lost."

"Stop it! The three of us were sent to you by the Yongyue Sect. If you dare to kill us, don't want to keep your life!"

Jun Mohuang looked innocent: "You are looking for the wrong partner. This city lord did this because of the strong support of the Patriarch Baili and Mrs. Baili. If you find it, you can go to them to settle the account.

Oh, if she confessed these three people, Yong Yuezong would not kill her.

"Pull the bow!"

Jun Mohuang saw the figure of Patriarch Baili and Madame Baili coming, and immediately ordered Yin Ling to pull the bowstring of the giant bow.

Biu, the three men in black flew out like cannonballs.

Jun Mohuang took out three three-meter-long white giant arrows. The giant arrows were extremely sharp. The logo surface of the giant arrow body was three divine weapons with eight stars.

The three giant arrows gleamed with cold white light all over, making people shudder.

No one could recognize what kind of material the giant arrow was made of.

Only know that their power must be extremely powerful.

Jun Mohuang put three giant arrows on the bow, pulled the bowstring himself, and aimed at the three men in black who were flying in the air.


Patriarch Baili shouted angrily, trying to stop Jun Mohuang.

But before he had time to rush to Jun Mohuang's side, Jun Mohuang's little hand loosened, and the three white giant arrows showed weakness and lightning, turning into three white streamers, and attacked the vests of the three men in black.

The three men in black soaring in the air instantly felt their vests chill and their whole bodies tight.

When they turned their heads, they saw three giant arrows, angry and angry, shaking their bodies from side to side, trying to avoid them.

All of their spatial rings were confiscated by Jun Mohuang, and there was no support point in the air, making it very difficult to escape.

But the three of them were masters of the Yuanhuang Realm, and while hiding, three giant arrows flew past their arms.

The arms of the three of them suffered severe pain, and the large wounds on their arms were plucked out, exposing their bones.

The bodies of the three people were scratched by the force of the giant arrow, and they could no longer maintain their balance. They all fell from the air, smashing three large holes on the ground.

Everyone looked at the three men in black who fell in the pit, and their hearts could no longer be calm.

The 4 chapters owed yesterday are all made up, and we will continue tonight. Sprinkle flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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