Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1768: Monstrous anger

Chapter 1768

There are many rare and precious treasures, neither the Patriarch Baili nor Madame Baili have seen them, but they have only seen them in books.

It feels like a turtle that has never seen the world, and has gained some knowledge in Jun Mohuang's auction house.

The value of the rare treasures in this hall is enough to buy one hundred hundred-mile families.

They felt that Jun Mohuang must have no money before, and they were so poor.

If this is called poor, then all people in the Bafang Profound Realm are beggars.

Mrs. Baili and the Patriarch of Baili suddenly blushed for themselves.

"Then what is the requirement of the Sovereign City Lord now, or what rare treasures do you want?"

Madam Baili's tone was eager, she really wanted that glacier Xuanxuelian so much.

Mo Yun smiled and said: "Sorry, two guests, Lord City Lord does not have any requirements or what he wants now."

"These things are not for sale, then what kind of treasure will your Jun auction house auction this time."

Mrs. Baili and the Patriarch of Baili were very disappointed with this result.

The two thought that perhaps the substitutes among the treasures in this auction might also be.

Although the effectiveness of the alternatives will be greatly discounted, not as good as one-tenth of the glacier Xuanxuelian and Bizhu fruit, but it is worse than nothing you can't buy.

"There are many, hundreds of millions of ordinary spirit crystals, tens of millions of water element spirit crystals, all of the upper, middle and lower grades, and various immortal plants, for example..."

Mo Yun was like a few treasures, crackling a long list.

The Patriarch Baili and Mrs. Baili became more and more frightened.

The rare treasures in the hall are very shocking, but most people can't afford them and can only look at them.

The cultivation resources mentioned by Mo Yun are what all cultivators most urgently need.

These just-needed training resources are also the foundation for the continued operation of the entire auction house.

After all, no matter how rich people are, it is impossible to buy rare treasures every day.

Patriarch Baili and Mrs. Baili suddenly felt a surge of anger in their hearts.

Looking at the situation, Mr. Chang said that Jun Mohuang would refine a pill with a pill pattern of one centimeter wide, which was mostly true.

What does Chang Guan mean!

That little girl surnamed Jun is surprisingly powerful in the background, and is not an ordinary identity at all. Why didn't Manager Chang tell them before? !

It made their Baili family offend a customer with such a hard backstage.

If the manager clarified the situation at that time, this Miss Jun would to a large extent continue to choose to display these rare and exotic treasures at the Baili Auction House, and put the water elemental spirit crystals and other just-needing resources at the Baili Auction House. auction.

Instead of starting an auction house by yourself, to grab business with the Baili family.

Their Baili auction house is not her competitor at all.

I think of the passenger flow, profit and reputation that so many rare treasures and a large amount of high-quality just-needed resources can bring.

The Patriarch of Baili and Mrs. Baili wished to get Mr. Chang out immediately and severely reprimanded them.

Patriarch Baili resisted his anger and looked at Mo Yun: "I am the Patriarch of the Baili Family. I want to see your King City Lord."

Taking advantage of the time for offending the King City Lord is not long enough, the person who saw him apologizes beforehand, and we will talk about the relationship.

Mo Yun said neither overbearing nor overbearing: "The Lord of the Monarch is very busy. Patriarch Baili may have a chance to see her after the auction is over."

"The auction is about to begin. Let's enter the two first."

Patriarch Baili and Mrs. Baili couldn't, so they had to enter the auction site first.

In the box, Mrs. Baili was a little tangled.

(End of this chapter)

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