Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1767: Surprised from ear to ear

Chapter 1767 is so surprised

He always feels that things are not as simple as they seem to be on the surface.

After the two looked at each other, they immediately decided to go in and take a look.

As soon as he entered the lobby of Jun's Auction House, Mrs. Baili and the Patriarch of Baili couldn't turn their minds with great shock, and they were both willing to blink their eyes.

"Husband, then... isn't that the Polar Glacier Xuanxuelian? I'm not mistaken, right!"

Madam Baili looked at a snow-white 12-petal lotus in the crystal cabinet in front of her dizzyly.

Each lotus petal is snow-white and golden, shining with colorful light under the light of night pearl.

The glacier Xuanxuelian, a treasure of immortal plant-level medicinal materials, only grows in places rich in ice and water, and cannot be polluted by any stale air in the world.

The growth conditions of the glacier Xuanxuelian are very harsh, but the effect is good enough to guard against the sky.

As long as you take a thin pill, you can stay young for twenty years. It is the ultimate beauty medicine that can make all women crazy.

People in the Bafang Mystic Realm live a long life, and naturally men and women get married late.

Don't look at Mrs. Baili's appearance that she is less than thirty years old, very young, but in fact she is already over a hundred years old.

Mrs. Baili can maintain this way, thanks to her long life span of more than 300 years.

But no matter how long her lifespan is, her appearance will gradually age.

If she can get this glacier Xuanxuelian with twelve petals, it means that she can maintain her current beauty to death.

Madame Baili's face and eyes were full of crazy obsessiveness, and she couldn't wait to break the crystal cabinet to pieces and grab Baichuan Xuanxuelian.

Beside her, Patriarch Baili stared at a green spirit fruit with a touch of carmine not far away from him.

Even though this fruit is inconspicuous, it is a Bizhu fruit that is so famous that it can attract everyone's berserk.

One can automatically extend life for a hundred years after eating.

Even if the Patriarch Baili is in his prime, any cultivator will find his life too long.

Patriarch Baili fixedly stared at the Lingguo in front of him, and didn't even hear what Mrs. Baili asked him.

There are many rare and exotic treasures in the hall, but the eyes of the two are firmly fixed on the glacier Xuanxuelian and Bizhu fruit.

There is no extra gaze to look at others at all.

"Two guests, the auction of this auction house is about to begin. If you two want to participate, it is best not to delay."

With a smile on Mo Yun's face, he stepped forward to greet the two.

The pill that Jun Mohuang asked for from Emperor Lingtian caused his lost arms to grow back and recover.

"How to sell this glacier Xuanxuelian!"

"How to sell this Bizhu fruit!"

When the Patriarch Baili and Mrs. Baili saw someone appear, they asked aloud.

The expressions on their faces were very urgent.

Mo Yun replied: "All the rare and exotic treasures displayed in the hall are owned by the Sovereign Lord and are not for sale. If the two want to, they must exchange something equivalent, or meet the requirements of the Sovereign Lord. ."

"This... Is this all hers?"

Mrs. Baili finally became sober when she heard the words "Monarch of the City".

Mo Yun replied: "Yes."

Mrs. Baili and the Patriarch of Baili took a quick glance in the hall.

There are at least more than fifty real rare and exotic treasures displayed in the entire hall. Every kind of rare and exotic treasure is very rare, and there is almost no existence in the Bafang Profound Realm.

It can attract countless cultivators, pharmacists and refiners crazy at the same time.

When the two saw these rare and precious treasures, they were so surprised that they couldn't hear from ear to ear when they were dazzled.

Today I am in a bad mood, wanting to become a female Tyrannosaurus, breathing fire everywhere.

As an advance notice, if your mood changes again, you will make up for what you owe at night. If you still want to breathe fire, you won't make up for it, more or less.

good afternoon!

(End of this chapter)

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