Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1748: I don't believe you

Chapter 1748 The deity does not believe you

The red-eyed woman smiled triumphantly: "Erzha, you have to have such a happy life now, and you have to thank you my mother."

Di Lingtian just sneered.

"By the way, my little granddaughter, it's been three months, so she should be pregnant."

The red-eyed woman has become accustomed to Di Lingtian's cold attitude.

Thinking of Di Lingtian and Jun Mohuang's children, her red eyes were filled with excitement and expectation.

Di Lingtian's thin lips evoked an ironic smile: "Don't do this kind of dream."

"What, son, you mean, you two are not round yet, room!"

The red-eyed woman was shocked, and she stood up with a brush, and the metal chain that imprisoned her feet made a crisp sound.

"You unfilial son, you promised my old lady to get the little granddaughter out immediately!"

The red-eyed woman narrowed her eyes and stared at Di Lingtian fiercely.

"Really, when did the deity promise you this."

Seeing the red-eyed woman bombing Ling Tian's transparent **** eyes, a happy smile appeared.

"The reason, you two are in agreement, why wait? Why don't you throw her down!"

The red-eyed woman recalled carefully, Di Lingtian did not agree to this matter, everything was an inference made by her anxiously.

After all, according to normal circumstances, the emotions of any man and woman are sublimated to a certain degree, and it is logical to go to the last step.

She never expected that Di Lingtian could bear it without starting.

"Huang'er's second phoenix crystal has not grown yet."

When Di Lingtian mentioned Jun Mohuang, his tone suddenly became gentle.

"What does that matter! She has no spiritual power and has your protection in this life. What are you worried about."

The red-eyed woman pressed her lips tightly, and it was for this reason.

In her opinion, it doesn't matter whether Jun Mohuang has spiritual power or not.

As long as she stayed within the control of Di Lingtian, there would be no problems with safety.

The red-eyed woman added: "And as soon as I come out, my old lady, I can immediately help you deal with Luo Chen and become a great help for you. From then on, you and your Huang'er can sit back and relax and live a life that belongs only to you. "

"Really. This condition sounds really tempting to the deity."

Di Ling's **** eyes were filled with playful smiles.

When the red-eyed woman heard him say this, before he had time, Di Lingtian suddenly changed her conversation and gave her a cool look.

"Unfortunately, the deity doesn't believe you."

Di Lingtian stood up leisurely and walked out of the Liuli Pavilion slowly, no longer looking at the woman with red eyes.

"You use the deity as a tool to achieve your goals. Don't think about using Huang'er as a fertility tool. Wait patiently, there is always the day when you get out of trouble."

After Di Lingtian said these words, he left immediately.

In this space, only the woman with red eyes remained.

"This brat!"

The woman with red eyes slapped the stone table with anger.

When Di Lingtian left the special space, the sound transmission jade talisman dedicated to Jun Mohuang made a movement.

The Red Eyed Woman's space is too special, it can automatically block the signal of any communication tool.

Di Lingtian opened the sound transmission jade talisman with aura, and Jun Mohuang's soft voice came with a clear and happy voice.

"Ling Tian, ​​something urgent happened in the Bafang Profound Realm, I'm going back, don't be angry, okay."

Di Lingtian squinted his eyes slightly while pinching the sound transmission jade.

This girl ran away without a word.

In response, she must have used the teleportation door in his bedroom to return to the Bafang Profound Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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