Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1747: Don't even have a chance to meet her

Chapter 1747 doesn't even have a chance to meet her

Bai Yucheng had all been burned down by the great fire that the Chu Family Patriarch had.

Jun Mohuang asked Yin Ling to gather all the surviving residents in front of the Baili Auction House.

After being devastated by fire, the residents of Baiyu City died and fled. Only 87 people gathered at the gate of Baili Auction House.

The clothes of these eighty-seven people were in tatters and their faces were all black and gray.

Some residents were burned limbs and hair burned.

When they were summoned to the door of Baili Auction House, their eyes were dull and dull.

Some even looked at Jun Mohuang with suspicion and resentment.

Jun Mohuang looked at these residents with some guilt in his heart.

After all, these people have fallen to the bottom, and they can't get rid of her relationship.

Therefore, she absolutely compensates for these.

"I'm sorry everyone. When the Chu family came to be embarrassed, as the city lord, I did not do my duty to protect you. Your home was destroyed. Each of you can now receive 10 million amethyst stones and burn medicine. make up."

"I will rebuild Baiyu City. You can stay if you want to stay. Those who are willing to follow me can continue to follow me. If you don't want to, please feel free to do so. I can't stop you wherever you want."

Upon hearing the ten million amethyst stone, the eyes of those numb people finally had a glimmer of light.

Even those who were dissatisfied with Jun Mohuang immediately managed the expression on his face, for fear that Jun Mohuang would not give it to them if he was unhappy.

Someone asked cautiously: "My Lord City Lord, is it really ten million amethyst, not one thousand?"

These civilians are not good at cultivation, and don't invest too much in cultivation daily.

Ten million amethysts are enough for them to live a life-free life.

Jun Mohuang nodded: "Of course it is ten million. But you have to wait in line to receive it. Whoever dares to jump in, don't want an amethyst stone."

Jun Mohuang confirmed that these residents began to commotion.

They didn't dare to disobey Jun Mohuang's orders, and they all lined up obediently.

Everyone came forward, and the Yin Ling beside Jun Mohuang would give this person a space ring.

The visitor opened the space ring and found that there were really ten million amethyst stones and ten bottles of elixirs inside. They were very happy to take the money and leave.

As for what Jun Mohuang said to continue to follow her, they are not stupid.

Jun Mohuang offended the Chu family, and if the Chu family didn't kill her, she would definitely retaliate wildly.

It is not safe to follow her without telling her no future.

As a result, no one wanted to stay in Baiyu City in the end.

Jun Mohuang was not surprised by this result.

All within her expectations.

Manager Chang has been expelled from the Baili family, and Feng Yunqi and the others cannot stay at the Baili Auction House to rest.

Jun Mohuang led a group of people and left White Jade City, heading towards Luoyun City.

Nine Nether World.

Thinking over the cliff, in the special space under Emperor Lingtian's private palace.

"Recovered well. It seems that I was really making the right decision to send you here."

The red-eyed woman withdrew her hand, with a hint of joy in her voice.

"You are embarrassed to mention what happened back then."

Opposite the woman with Red Eyes, Di Lingtian brushed down the two handkerchiefs on his wrists and retracted his wrists.

He heard the woman with red eyes talking about the things of the year, and his temperament suddenly became cold.

"I'm sorry, if it weren't for your mother, my wise decision back then, your beloved Huang'er would be married and have a child with Luo Chen. You, an outsider, wouldn't even have a chance to meet her."

The two chapters owed last night are made up.

It was too late, and I stuck with a branch plot. I hesitated for a long time whether to write this way, which caused the speed to slow down.

(End of this chapter)

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