Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1733: Heavenly person!

Chapter 1733 Heavenly Talisman!

The life-saving miniature teleportation array of Lin Zifan was only one-tenth of this jade pendant.

Ye Xueman: "I... actually I carved it out myself."

Yao Xuan was shocked: "What, you said that these are the jade talisman you carved out?!"

The jade pendant given by Ye Xueman was actually a transmission jade charm.

She is actually a Talisman!

Yao Xuan's brain buzzed.

What's the matter, doesn't the talisman have to be taught by someone to learn it? Ye Xueman was trapped in the stone room, and only he knew that she was there.

No one would teach her at all, and she would not have the opportunity to get in touch with runes, how could she learn runes!

"Well, yes, Brother Xuan. Many times when I am bored in the stone room, some golden words will pop up in my mind. Then involuntarily, I will engrave them with aura into the jade pendant."

"After the engraving is successful, I know the efficacy of the jade charms I engraved."

"This...this is the Heavenly Talisman."

Lin Zifan's eyes burst into ecstasy.

Yao Xuan couldn't wait to ask: "Uncle, what is a Heavenly Talisman?"

"Heavenly Talisman is a person who is born to be a Talisman Master. Such a person is born with a small amount of runes in his spiritual consciousness."

"They don't need anyone's guidance at the beginning. As soon as the time comes, as soon as the talent is opened, they can immediately engrave one or two jade charms. This kind of person is called a heavenly charmer!"

"Heavenly Talismans have super talents in talismanic skills, and there will be no one out of tens of billions of practitioners. Once they appear, they will surely reach the level of Talisman Emperor in the future!"

Lin Zifan got more excited as he spoke, looking at Ye Xueman's eyes, as if he was looking at a piece of valuable pork.

Great, Ye Xueman is actually a Heavenly Talisman.

With her talent in runes, Jun Mohuang must be jealous no matter how powerful it is.

Yao Xuan fixedly stared at Ye Xueman, a strange color gradually appeared in his eyes.

Being locked up in the stone room, aura, spirit crystal and other cultivation resources are pitifully scarce, and Ye Xueman actually awakened the talent of the Heavenly Talisman in this situation.

Why, why are people in this world luckier than him!

First, Jun Mohuang now leads him in strength and status, and now even Ye Xueman, who has been deliberately suppressed by him, is actually a talented person!

The jealousy in Yao Xuan's heart burned, and he was jealous of Ye Xueman's talented person to the extreme.

He even... even wanted to kill Ye Xueman, take her rune talents, and use them for him!

"Brother Xuan, what's the matter with you, is it uncomfortable?"

Ye Xueman didn't know the vicious thoughts in Yao Xuan's heart at all, she looked at Yao Xuan, the worry on her face was so obvious.

"It's okay, Sherman, our Sherman is so talented, it scares me, I am so happy."

Yao Xuan recovered and held Ye Xueman's hand.

She is already his woman, with his flesh and blood in her belly.

In this life, he will firmly grasp Ye Xueman in his palm.

The future emperor of Talisman will respond with a hundred responses, and the strong in the mainland will all obey.

With the identity of the Ye Family and the Heavenly Talisman behind her, are you afraid that you will not be able to deal with Jun Mohuang in the future?

Yao Xuan really wanted to raise his head and laugh three times, God is really endless about him!

The dragon scale imprint on Jun Mohuang's forehead has already worked, and Yao Xuan has no longer remembered Jun Mohuang's identity.

the other side.

When Jun Mohuang returned from Luoyun City, he went to Lingyuanzong for the first time.

Lord Sect Master and the peak master disciples of Lingyuanzong saw the Dragon Clan coming so well, one and two jaws were about to fall to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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