Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1732: Loach Essence 2

Chapter 1732 Loach Essence 2

"To this day, I finally can't help it. The Patriarch of the Chu Family came personally and wanted to ask what happened to Jun Mohuang. The Patriarch of the Chu Family didn't even move his hands, and Jun Mohuang found a powerful backstage. Without knowing it will catch us, kill us..."

Yao Xuan quickly told what happened.

Of course, all he said were lies.

Yao Xuan pushed all the faults behind Jun Mohuang. In his mouth, Jun Mohuang was a heinous, sinister and vicious villain.

He never mentioned what the Chu Family Patriarch did to the people Jun Mohuang cares about and her Bai Yucheng.

"She... how could she be so vicious! She stole Shui Jingshan, and she was wrong. She should apologize to the Chu Family Patriarch and make amends. How could she set people on fire."

When Ye Xueman heard Jun Mohuang burn the Chu Family Patriarch and the Chu Family with fire, anger in her heart began to burn.

"Xueman, do you still have the jade pendant you gave me? I took the opportunity to escape, and Jun Mohuang will definitely chase here soon."

"Xueman, it's not a pity that I am dead. If Jun Mohuang knows about your relationship with me, especially knowing that you are pregnant with my flesh and blood, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Yao Xuan's eyes were full of eagerness. At the end of the talk, his eyes were on Ye Xueman's slightly raised belly, his eyes full of love and tenderness.

Since Yao Xuan succeeded in deceiving Ye Xueman that time, Yao Xuan stepped up his offensive and would look for her whenever he had time.

With his efforts, Ye Xueman was finally completely locked up by him and conceived with his flesh and blood.

Even with Ye Xueman's closeness so far, Yao Xuan's heart is still full of calculations.

After being crushed, the jade pendant that can instantly allow him to return from the White Jade City to the Spirit Yuanzong is more precious than any cultivation resource.

He was afraid that she would be reluctant to take it out even if she had it in her hands, so Ye Xueman was talking about the safety of her unborn child.

"Brother Xuan, don't worry, there are twelve in my hand, enough for us to escape far enough."

Ye Xueman didn't have as much thoughts as Yaoxuan.

Without thinking about it, she immediately took out all the jade pendants on her body.

"Well, let's find my uncle together, and then we will run away immediately."

Yao Xuan pulled Ye Xueman out of the stone room and found Lin Zifan in the stone room not far away.

Unlike Ye Xueman who was deceived by Yao Xuan and locked in a stone room, Lin Zifan asked to hide in it.

Ever since the position of the city lord of White Jade City was taken away by Jun Mohuang, Lin Zifan felt that Jun Mohuang was very evil.

He was afraid that Jun Mohuang would find a hole and take him back, and automatically requested to hide in the stone room.

The three immediately used the twelve jade pendants in Ye Xueman's hands to escape from Lingyuanzong.

"Brother Xuan, where are we going to flee?" Ye Xueman asked after Yao Xuan crushed three jade pendants one after another.

Yao Xuan: "We are going to Beiye Yiyu."

In the north, where the Chu family controlled and controlled the power, it was one of the four big wealthy families, the Ye family's sphere of influence.

Originally, he planned to take Ye Xueman to Beiye Ye's house immediately after holding Ye Xueman in prison, and now the time is right.

Yao Xuan crushed five more jade pendants to make sure it was safe now, and stopped temporarily.

"Xueman, tell me where these jade pendants come from."

On the way he flees, the more he uses, the more frightened he gets.

Crushing a jade pendant can actually transport a group of three people on a two-day journey of flying monsters.

And since Ye Xueman learned the direction of this trip, the transmission distance has been doubled.

This had to surprise Yao Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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