Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1714: But did not hear 3

Chapter 1714 But I didn't hear it 3

The Lord Sect Master is about to give this message to the Chu Family Patriarch, but after hearing this sentence, the Chu Family Patriarch immediately cut off the sound transmission jade.

Among the large population of the suzerain, the Chu Family Patriarch didn't even hear it.

"Huh, it's just a little disciple of Lingyuanzong, who dare to be so presumptuous to our Chu family!"

After the Chu Family Patriarch and the Chu family got the information about Jun Mohuang, they were even more angry.

The disappearance of Lingyuanzong Shuijingshan before was actually related to Jun Mohuang!

The Shuijing Linggen in Shuijing Mountain is nominally owned by the Lingyuanzong, but it is actually owned by the Chu family.

Ling Yuanzong was only traveling on behalf of the Chu family to take care of the accusations, and even the lord was not qualified to use the water mirror Linggen.

The Chu family relied on the spiritual roots of the water mirror to become one of the four wealthy families in the Cangyuan Continent.

The new hatred and the old hatred were counted together, and the Chu family's hatred against Jun Mohuang was immediately pulled to the highest value.

"Father, we can't find where this dead girl is right now, but her master is still in the Spirit Yuanzong, we just need to catch his master and torture him, we don't believe this dead girl will not appear! "

Chu Tang immediately offered a strategy.

The Chu Family Patriarch nodded: "Yes, Tang'er is right, let's go to Lingyuanzong right away!"

The Chu family and his party wanted to kill Lingyuanzong right away, but they were so embarrassed to let others see them with their respectful appearance.

They had to return to the Chu family first, tidy up the facade, and then it was not too late to kill with the Chu family's children.

Anyway, it was very close to the Chu Family and Ling Yuanzong, and it didn't take much time.


Somewhere in the valley not far from Lingyuanzong.

Yuan Wei climbed out of the turbulent flow of time and space with difficulty and fell into a cave.

Yuan Wei was thrown into the turbulence of time and space by the Dragon Clan, just like the Chu family.

After more than two months, the toxins in his body had completely spread, and his face and body were all black.

If Jun Mohuang saw him now, and didn't look at her carefully for a while, he would think that some African brother had crossed.

Yuan Wei struggled to find a handful of hay in the cave and lay in the cave.

After more than two months of frightened exile, finally... finally came to a normal place.

His little fate was finally saved.

The dragon princess ordered him to be thrown into a beast nest in the Bafang Profound Realm. Fortunately, those dragons were lazy and didn't want to personally send him to the Bafang Profound Realm and throw him into the beast nest.

Those dragons retreated and threw Yuanwei into the turbulence of time and space.

Yuan Wei looked at this cave and felt very fortunate. It was great that he escaped the fate of being bitten into pieces by the monster.

Yuan Wei took out the sound transmission jade talisman on his body and was about to ask Yuanba for help, and then he was about to sue Emperor Mohuang again.

As soon as he struggled to fumble out the sound transmission jade talisman, he heard the rustling noise in the haystack.

Four black panther cubs emerged from the haystack, revealing black Lingling eyes, looking at Yuan Wei curiously.

When Yuan Wei saw these four cubs, he was so scared that he was so scared that he broke into cold sweat.

The cubs of Warcraft only appear in the nest of Warcraft!

Not far away, there was the low roar of wild animals and the sound of footsteps quickly approaching.

Yuan Wei used the fastest speed in his life to light up the sound transmission jade talisman and said the last words of his life.

"Second uncle, help! I was thrown into the nest of beasts by the little **** Jun Mohuang. Now the adult beasts have returned to the cave. I don't know the location."

"Second Uncle, when I arrived in the Heavenly Dragon Realm, it was the **** Jun Mohuang who had a chance to find a way to interpret it! Second Uncle, come and save...ah..."

(End of this chapter)

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