Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1713: But did not hear 2

Chapter 1713 But I didn't hear 2

The Chu family went through untold hardships, and Li Shi found the right way from the turbulence of time and space and returned to the Bafang Mysterious Realm for more than two months.

They were lucky, and when they returned to the Bafang Profound Realm, they were at the middle distance between the Lingyuanzong and the Chu family.

The Chu family are back, but they have paid a very tragic price this time.

The clothes on her body are tattered and unkempt, even dirtier than beggars.

Most of the Chu family died in the turbulent time and space, including the proud son of the Chu family's head.

In the end, the only ones who returned safely to the Bafang Profound Realm were the Chu Family Patriarch, Chu Patriarch, Chu Tang and the six Chu family members.

It was in stark contrast with when they went to the Heavenly Dragon Realm in the beautiful scenery.

"Patriarch, this Monarch Mohuang has harmed our Chu family like this, should we just forget it!"

Someone in the Chu family who survived by chance was aggrieved.

"Of course you can't just leave it alone, that woman is just an ordinary human race. She was only backed by the princess of the Heavenly Dragon Realm at that time, so she had such courage!"

As long as the Patriarch of the Chu family thinks of Jun Mohuang's smashing of his beloved daughter Chutang's dantian, he has no strength;

Caused his beloved son to die in the space turbulence, and even the corpse capital could not be recovered;

It also caused the death of so many people in the Chu family. When he went this time, he brought more than fifty people.

As long as you see that there are only so few people around you now, you won't be angry.

"Tang'er, what is the origin of Jun Mohuang? Why did you pinch her in the Heavenly Dragon Realm."

The Chu Family Patriarch didn't know the origin of Jun Mohuang at all, so he had to ask Chu Tang.

When in the Heavenly Dragon Realm, the Patriarch of the Chu family focused on the Qiulong clan;

After entering the turbulent flow of time and space, he again focused on how to escape, without asking Chu Tangjun the origin of Mohuang.

"Father, that woman is just Jun Mohuang who cruelly abolished his cousin and was wanted by the Chu family."

"Not only that, but my daughter also learned that Ling Yuanzong had undergone an abnormal change before, and Shui Jingshan and Shui Jing's spiritual roots suddenly disappeared. They have a great relationship with Jun Mohuang. My daughter suspected that it was the ghost of Jun Mohuang!"

"That's why my daughter stepped forward to question her why she was killing our Chu family's children and what did she have to do with the disappearance of Shui Jingshan."

"I don't know what's going on, I just asked her in a normal tone, her attitude became very bad, and she encouraged the princess of the Heavenly Dragon Realm to clean up our Chu family."

Chu Tang chuckled, telling the story of her dispute with Jun Mohuang.

What she said was not the truth.

And at that time she didn't think of the relationship between Jun Mohuang and Ling Yuanzong.

But what does it matter if the facts are true or false, as long as you can completely pull out Jun Mohuang.

She has no strength, and the sea of ​​qi has been abolished. She wants to give a tooth for a tooth, and let Jun Mohuang taste the pain!

When the Chu Family Patriarch heard that it was related to Ling Yuanzong at this time, he immediately wanted to take out the Sound Transmission Jade Talisman and contact the Ling Yuanzong Sect Master.

"Jun Mohuang? Lord Chu, Jun Mohuang is indeed a disciple of our Spirit Yuanzong. She worshipped in the name of Yue Rong, the master of the second peak. Some time ago, Shui Jingshan made an abnormal change and she disappeared. But... …"

The lord of Lingyuanzong didn't dare to neglect, and immediately told all the information he knew.

Could it be that the Chu family wanted to deal with Jun Mohuang?

In any case, Jun Mohuang possesses a black card from Baili Auction House, and his identity is definitely extraordinary.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Xiao Guangbao for your reward.

I clearly owe four chapters, and make up the remaining four chapters tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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