Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1680: No morals change face fast

Chapter 1680 No morality changes face quickly

The Dragon Soul saw that Jin Yu finally accepted, and then looked at the white-clothed girl, the old eyes that had always been kind and kind were stern.

The girl in white bit her lip, her fingers tightly twisted her sleeves.

This dead old man is just looking down on others.

He didn't dare to use this tone before she and Jun Mohuang had decided the victory or defeat.

Now as soon as Jun Mohuang wins, he has a tough attitude.

Why is she not an outsider to express her opinions? This obviously means that she is not qualified to say such things, so she shut up!

What else did the white-clothed girl say, Luo Chen took her hand.

"Sorry, senior, we were abrupt, and I apologize to senior here."

Luo Chen's respect and politeness made Dragon Soul's face look good.

The Dragon Soul waved his hand and said, "Nothing."

He has lived for so many years, and he still can't care about with a junior.

"Are you finished? Hurry up and send Huang'er out. She needs a rest."

Di Ling's **** eyes glanced at Dragon Soul. ‘

Luo Chen's fear of the dragon soul was transformed by the will of countless dragons in the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm, but he did not have the slightest fear.

"Emperor, it's over, I will send Her Majesty out immediately."

Facing Emperor Lingtian, Dragon Soul's attitude changed drastically, and his old eyes were full of flattery.

Jin Ying'er saw such a dragon soul, her eyes were full of speechless colors.

Senior, how cold and domineering you were just now, have you been eaten by a dog? Do you want to be so unethical?

Hundreds of young girls felt extremely resentful at Dragon Soul's stepping on her to favor Mo Phoenix.

"Don't worry, the water element in the Heavenly Dragon Realm is pure and abundant. Her Majesty's body is not a serious problem. It is the most suitable place to raise your body here."

It's not that Dragon Soul doesn't change face quickly without ethics, he is called professional ethics.

Jun Mohuang became the dragon emperor and his status was above the dragon soul.

As Di Lingtian was her partner, Dragon Soul certainly did not dare to neglect.

What's more, in the future, he still wants to rely on these two people to make a profit for the Heavenly Dragon Realm. At this moment, he can't wait to treat the Emperor Mohuang like the ancestor.

These juniors don't understand, it's confidential, and Dragon Soul doesn't bother to explain.


On the main hall of the Dragon Palace in Tianlong City.

Dragons, demons and spirits wait in the hall.

All of them were eliminated halfway through the process of the Tianlong Secret Realm assessment.

Having been eliminated, they are extremely concerned about who will eventually become the Dragon Emperor of the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm.

Regarding this result, the people of the dragon, spirit and demons all hold their own opinions.

The dragons insisted that it was Jin Yu who could become the dragon emperor. The reason was that Jin Yu was the prince of the dragon royal family, the only golden dragon bloodline of the dragon family in the Tianlong world.

He became the Dragon King, it was a matter of course.

The people of the demon clan insisted that they were Emperor Mohuang. Before taking them to the Heavenly Dragon Realm, Emperor Lingtian said that his own Demon Queen would become the queen of the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

What the emperor said, never failed.

"Hehe, what you said is wrong. Only the future **** queen of our spirit race can become the dragon emperor!"

"That is, our **** queen has noble blood, unparalleled luck, and is the most favored woman in heaven. You dragon prince and demon queen are nothing compared to her!"

"That is, your prince of the Heavenly Dragon Realm talked about the bloodline, and was directly dumped by our family **** queen for dozens of blocks."

"As for your demon queen, huh, it's just an ordinary human woman. Behind our house is a white cloud in the sky. Your demon queen is just a piece of mud on the ground. You have a face to compare with our house **** queen. When the result came out, the face was beaten and swollen!"

(End of this chapter)

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