Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1679: It's better not to express your opinions

Chapter 1679

The girl in white and Luo Chen flew back to the Dragon Blood Hall together.

Just now, this series of changes happened very fast, she and Luo Chen couldn't stop them at all, they could only watch Jun Mohuang get the dragon blood scepter.

"Very good, the result has come out, the little girl is the dragon emperor of the Heavenly Dragon Realm."

The Dragon Soul looked at Emperor Mohuang in Emperor Lingtian's arms, with satisfaction in his eyes.

The black flame she summoned under her anger can actually directly break the defense of the Dragon Blood Heart. The Dragon Emperor of the Heavenly Dragon Realm is none other than her.

"Senior, but... but she doesn't have any dragon bloodline in her body at all. This prince is afraid that she will become the Dragon King, which will be detrimental to the dragons of the Heavenly Dragon Realm."

For Jin Ying'er, Jun Mohuang became the dragon emperor, she was happy to hear, and the master sister was her own, so she was not afraid.

According to the rules of the Heavenly Dragon Realm, each dragon must be loyal, swear allegiance to the Dragon Emperor, and must not have the slightest heart of disobedience.

In turn, the Dragon King must also guard the heavenly spirit world, protect each dragon clan, and let each dragon clan live a happy life.

Jin Yinger just wanted to laugh three times at the moment.

Hahaha, the master sister is responsible for the happy life of their dragons.

What this means is that their dragons will have a lot of food to fill their stomachs from now on, all of which don't need to spend any treasures.

All free!

Is there anything better than this in the world? Of course the answer is no.

Contrary to Jin Ying'er, Jin Yu could not accept this result at all.

Obviously, he is the prince of the dragon clan, he is Gen Zheng Miaohong's heir, and Jun Mohuang is just an outsider.

"Yes, Senior Dragon Soul, there was some accident when she took the Dragon Blood Scepter just now. The way she obtained the Dragon Blood Scepter was not fair enough, and she didn't really qualify for the Dragon Emperor."

The white-clothed girl and Luo Chen immediately came to Dragon Soul.

Luo Chen's eyes drooped, his expression narrowed, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

The face of the girl in white was totally unwilling.

She used the power of the bloodline for the dragon blood scepter this time, thinking that the dragon blood scepter was bound to be obtained.

How did you know that Jun Mohuang could successfully counterattack in this situation.

She couldn't bother to think about why the fire element of the last level couldn't hurt Jun Mohuang, and why the ink flame on Jun Mohuang's body had more powerful power than her colorful halo, and could directly penetrate the defense of the dragon blood scepter.

The girl in white only knew that she would never accept this result, and would never accept Jun Mohuang as the Dragon Emperor of the Heavenly Dragon Realm!

"Needless to say, the Dragon Emperor of the Heavenly Dragon Realm does not stipulate that people who are not of the blood of the dragon clan can not be. This girl received the dragon blood scepter, which was selected by all the dragon clan who passed away. Jin Yu, you can only obey, not Any objections."

Senior Dragon Soul immediately reduced the smile on his face and looked serious.

Even if this little girl doesn't have any dragon blood, but based on her blood level, she deserves to be the dragon emperor.

It was their Heavenly Dragon Realm who picked up the big deal.

"Jin Yu, you should know the consequences of betraying the Dragon King against the Dragon King!"

"The junior knows, the junior obeys!"

Jin Yu gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and resisted the unwillingness in his heart.

How could he not know the consequences? The fate of his younger brother Yinyue is the most vivid example.

He didn't get the Dragon Blood Scepter, it was his life, and he could only admit it if he was unwilling.

"As for the future **** queen of the heavenly spirit world... the rules are the rules. If you get the dragon blood scepter while in chaos, you are the dragon emperor. The dragon emperor of the heavenly dragon world is set, and the **** queen still seldom announces the affairs of the heavenly dragon world. Better opinion is better."

(End of this chapter)

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