Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1671: Dragon Blood Scepter 2

Chapter 1671 Dragon Blood Scepter 2

Jun Mohuang said: "Senior Dragon Soul, this precious thing like the Dragon Blood Scepter, I am afraid it is not as simple as you said."

Whoever flies over can get it first, so there is such a cheap thing.

Flying from the edge of the huge pit to the dragon blood scepter must be full of all kinds of thrills.


The Dragon Soul just smiled without talking.

The devil emperor of the Nine Netherworld Realm just noticed it, it was really not easy for this girl to think of this.

Sure enough, it was less than two seconds after Jun Mohuang finished speaking.

Above the huge pit, the four people marching towards the dragon blood scepter at full speed suddenly showed a strange color, while floating in the air, no longer moving forward.

Di Lingtian said: "They encountered the illusion, and they all fell into it at the same time."

Jun Mohuang couldn't help but smashed his tongue: "What kind of illusion is this so powerful that even Luo Chen can fall into it."

After entering the Dragon Blood Hall, Luo Chen and Di Lingtian's suppressed strength had been fully restored.

The characters at the pinnacle of Yuan Sage's ninth-order can also be trapped by the illusion, and Jun Mohuang expressed admiration for this illusion.

"This is the illusion of the Dragon Blood Scepter, representing all the dragon races that have died in the past."

"A person's ability to resist the illusion, in addition to his own strength and mental power, is the biggest decisive factor in his mind."

Di Lingtian took Jun Mohuang's small hand and explained to her softly.

"Hey, yes, the Devil Emperor has vision."

"The last essence of each dragon before death contains all of their strength."

"The strength of the gods is indeed very strong, but all the dead dragon races are all in front of the sum of their strengths, which is nothing."

Senior Dragon Soul glanced at Di Lingtian with approval.

"No, then we have to find a way to crack the environment before we leave."

Since Luo Chen was trapped by the fantasy realm, then Emperor Lingtian, who was comparable in strength to Luo Chen, would also be trapped, let alone her who only had the strength of Yuanzong realm.

As soon as Jun Mohuang finished saying these words, he had an idea in his mind.

"Hahaha, little girl, don't think about it, old man, I can't crack the illusion of the dragon blood scepter."

Senior Dragon Soul laughed, not laughing at her whimsical, but just talking about the matter.

"Really, senior, look at what this is."

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand from the Phoenix Jade Space, and grabbed a handful of mung bean-sized spar, reflecting white light in the dim light.

"This... the phantom spar of the phantom fish, little girl, how did you find the phantom nucleus and get it!"

Dragon Soul saw the spar in her hand and almost swallowed his tongue in shock.

In the fifth level, the magic fish under the water surface can see through any illusion with this little magic spar between his eyes.

This secret is unknown to Jin Yu and Jin Ying'er, the most noble golden dragon bloodline in the dragon clan, he is the only one in the entire world who knows this secret.

How did this little girl find out!

Could it be... when she was dissecting to find the deadly place of the phantom fish?

It shouldn't be, even if she discovered the phantom spar at that time, it was impossible to discover its effect in such a short period of time.

Even Di Lingtian and Luo Chen couldn't handle this kind of thing.

"It turns out that those strange fish are called Pophanayu, as for how I discovered its effect and got it... Hey, senior, this is the secret."

Jun Mohuang finally figured out the name of the strange fish in the lake.

Of course Dragon Soul could not think of the magic spar effect she discovered by the power of induction.

(End of this chapter)

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