Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1670: Dragon Blood Scepter

Chapter 1670 Dragon Blood Scepter

"Yes, if you don't leave Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian won't meet me. Your departure is indeed a great thing for Ling Tian."


"Brother Chen, look at her!"

The girl in white was so angry that she couldn't speak.

This woman, so thick-skinned, also kindly praised herself so directly.

She clearly answered according to Luo Chen's points, why she still couldn't match her.

"Huang'er, you are a golden jade, so noble, how can you go head-to-head with a piece of rough rubble."

Luo Chen held on to the frowning eyebrows of the girl in white, and looked at Jun Mohuang with a cold look.

This woman is really rebellious, covered in thorns.

But it doesn't matter, he will slowly pull out all the thorns from her body one by one.

Jun Mohuang's eyes flashed, he just chuckled and said nothing.

"Well, everyone is here in the Dragon Blood Hall this time, so don't talk nonsense, let's go directly to the topic."

At the end of the quarrel between the two parties, the dragon soul appeared in the dragon blood hall, and the old face was still kind and kind.

With the appearance of the dragon soul, the six people present immediately took all their attention back and put them on business.

As soon as the dragon soul's voice fell, the sleeves flicked slightly, and the scene of the entire dragon blood hall suddenly changed.

The hall made of cyan stone bricks all turned dark red, like the dark red after the blood dried up, and it looked shocking.

A huge crater with a depth of several kilometers and a diameter of tens of thousands of meters appeared in front.

The huge pit is bottomless, like a giant beast with its mouth wide open, wanting to choose someone to eat.

In the center of the giant pit, a half-meter long scepter is suspended.

A spar like a scarlet heart was embedded on the top of the scepter.

This blood-colored heart radiated blood-colored light in the quiet darkness.

The moment Jun Mohuang saw it, he thought of Di Lingtian's eyes.

But the difference between this **** heart is that it is a look of blood, but it emits divine light.

"You see, that is the dragon blood scepter. The heart of the dragon blood on the scepter is formed by the condensing of the last blood of all dragons before they die."

The dragon soul looked far away, looking at the dragon blood scepter in the distance.

"The rules are very simple. Who can be the first to get the Dragon Blood Scepter, who is the Dragon Emperor recognized by the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm, has the ability to command all the dragons in the Heavenly Dragon Realm."

"Remember, you can only use your own strength to get the Dragon Blood Scepter. If you use the strength and external force of others, you will immediately lose the qualification."

"Of course, the contracted monsters, wings, jade charms carved with oneself, etc., as long as they belong to oneself, it is not an external force."

"Okay, everyone, let's get started."

After the dragon soul finished speaking, he automatically retreated to the side, leaving a place for the six contestants.

Jin Yu was the first to incarnate his true body and flew towards the Dragon Blood Scepter at full speed.

"Master sister, I'm going one step first, you must be careful."

Jin Yinger asked Jun Mohuang to quickly follow Jin Yu's pace.

The white-clothed girl and Luo Chen glanced at Di Lingtian and Jun Mohuang. Luo Chen and her summoned their respective wings and marched towards the Dragon Blood Scepter.

The wings of the two are pure white.

The pearl-like white feathers exude radiant pearl light.

The four of them left thinking about the dragon blood scepter, leaving only Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian.

"The Devil Emperor and the little girl in the Nine Nether World, don't you plan to fight for the dragon blood scepter."

Seeing that the two of them had no intention of leaving at all, Dragon Soul flashed a hint of interest in his muddy old eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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