Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1654: Jun Mohuang's conditions

Chapter 1654 Jun Mohuang's conditions

Luo Chen's gaze was glued to it after taking out the heavy machine gun from Jun Mohuang.

There are too many surprises in her body.

When he saw the power of such a new weapon, the idea of ​​getting Jun Mohuang became more determined.

This type of weapon could never completely fall into Di Lingtian's hands and be used by him.

Otherwise, it would be terrible if Emperor Lingtian used it to deal with the heavenly spirit world.

"You don't need to know what this is, you just need to know that this world does exactly what you said to kill twelve strange fish in one second."

Jun Mohuang returned the heavy machine gun he took out back to the Huangyu space.

Di Lingtian and Luo Chen joined forces to fish up all the corpses of the strange fish killed by Jun Mohuang in this wave.

Sweeping with God's Sense, in just one minute, the number of strange fishes who died has reached 900.

In other words, the attack speed of Jun Mohuang's weapon completely exceeded the requirements of the white-clothed girl.

Di Lingtian used talisman to get all the golden bullets she had shot into the strange fish, put them in a space ring, and put them in the palm of her hand.

Jun Mohuang took the space ring and stamped a light kiss on his lips on tiptoe.

Ling Tian knew her best, she didn't say anything, so he did it all for her.

This is a bullet made by the crystal of gold. It is too precious. You can't just shoot it without taking it back and let it sink to the bottom.

"You only have one in your hand. The number is too small. No matter how fast you attack, you can't keep up with the speed of the strange fish."

The girl in white looked at the strange fish piled up in the mountains around her, and resisted the urge to vomit.

"Who said I only have one in my hand."

With a flick of Jun Mohuang's sleeves, four black and heavy machine guns were neatly placed in her footsteps.

Luo Chen focused his eyes on the four heavy machine guns, and could no longer look away.

But Jun Mohuang just gave him a look, and immediately took it back.

"Cooperation, you set the conditions."

Luo Chen looked at Jun Mohuang, his eyes grew hotter.

Jun Mohuang looked at Emperor Lingtian as if he was asking for his opinion.

Di Lingtian nodded slightly, indicating that she could mention it.

"First, I want all the corpses of these strange fish."

"Secondly, this bullet that can kill a strange fish in one shot is made of gold crystal bullets. This time, the gold crystal that crosses the lake and passes all the bullets must be made by your side."

"Thirdly, if we have any accidents on the way across the lake, neither party should take the opportunity to kill each other."


When Jun Mohuang came to the fourth point, he glanced at the girl in white.

"Fourth, take care of your woman, don't sing against me when crossing the lake, and don't allow a word."

She really hated this woman and wished she would shut up from now on.

The heavy machine gun she took out just now has a very powerful attack speed, but in this world where aura is king, the armor penetration of the heavy machine gun is far from enough. A defensive barrier formed by a layer of aura can block all bullets.

When Jun Mohuang saw these weapons, he felt that it was a pity to just throw them in the Phoenix Jade space.

Using Golden Crystal as the raw material of bullets, a batch of golden bullets were refined, the effect is very good, almost can penetrate all defenses.

Originally, Jun Mohuang was going to give it to Emperor Lingtian so that he could take it on the battlefield to deal with the spirit race of the heavenly spirit world at the most critical moment.

Now the situation is compelling, it has to be leaked in advance.

"Brother Chen, where am I going against her, I am obviously..."

The girl in white is not convinced, she is clearly asking reasonable questions.

This woman reversed right and wrong, saying something contrary, as if she could make things difficult for her.

The type 89 heavy machine gun of our country can shoot 450-600 rounds per minute. This chapter exaggerates the combat effectiveness of the heavy machine gun for plot effect.

(End of this chapter)

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