Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1653: Too many surprises

Chapter 1653 Too many surprises

He said this too lightly.

His family Huang'er is more than annoying to Luo Chen.

However, in order to increase Luo Chen's difficulty, Di Lingtian did not intend to say something that would enable Luo Chen to guess the truth.

Luo Chen frowned slightly, and Di Lingtian's eyes made him very disliked.

As if he had seen the truth of the matter, everything was in his palm, and Luo Chen was like a fool who was lost in the mist and knew nothing.

Subsequently, Luo Chen was relieved immediately.

Oh, this is just a psychological tactic played by Di Lingtian being provoked by him, deliberately to confuse him to make him think more.

Jun Mohuang hated her, so what.

As long as they get along for a long time, Luo Chen is absolutely sure to **** people from Di Lingtian.

How could a normal human girl like a bloodthirsty, brutal and bloodthirsty demons like Di Lingtian?

Jun Mohuang must be forced to follow him.

The white-clothed girl and Jun Mohuang did not notice the undercurrent surging between them.

"Even if you prove this, what if you can't hide the jade talisman. Without a weapon to quickly kill the strange fish, we have no way to get there now!"

The girl in white is still reluctant, trying to find a meeting place for herself.

Luo Chen and Di Lingtian were both here, she absolutely couldn't be slapped on the spot by this woman, and she didn't fight back.

"Who says there is no way."

Jun Mohuang smiled confidently, her delicate black eyes gleaming like the most dazzling diamond.

The speed of killing at least twelve strange fishes per second is impossible with weapons in this world.

But not only was it impossible for the world that Emperor Mohuang traveled through.

Seeing her eyes and smile, the girl in white suddenly had an extremely bad premonition in her heart.

This look and smile clearly show that everything is under control, and he is extremely confident.

Sure enough, the next moment Jun Mohuang took out a strange weapon from the Phoenix Jade space and placed it on the lakeside, using a black metal tube protruding from the weapon to aim it at the strange fish in the water.

The girl in white dare to say that she has never seen such a strange weapon.

Luo Chen's eyes fell on this strange weapon, with some doubts about seeing novel things.

In this world, there are even types of weapons he doesn't know.

Di Lingtian glanced at the heavy machine gun in Jun Mohuang's hand, revealing a clear expression.

He had always known that she had a batch of strange weapons in her hand, and when the two met again under the cliff of the Forest of Thousand Fantasy, she had used one of them to deal with the jade-horned maniac.

Jun Mohuang's mobile phone pulled the trigger, a series of intensive noises were heard, and there were bursts of flames from the end of the metal tube.

Tiny golden bullets kept hitting the lake, flashing golden afterimages in the air.

The surface of the lake was tumbling like boiling water, and countless strange fishes died one after another under such fast and dense attacks.

A minute later, Jun Mohuang released the heavy machine gun in his hand, and the lake was completely blood red. The strange fishes who were grinning just rolled their stomachs and died a large amount.

"This... how is this possible, what the **** is this!"

The white-clothed girl's eyes were full of astonishment.

Based on her preliminary estimate just now, the speed of this strange weapon that Jun Mohuang took out could kill 15 strange fish in one second.

It fully met, and even surpassed her requirement to kill twelve strange fish in one second, faster than any weapon she had known.

In this world, I am afraid that only the top sacred golden weapon can be compared with it.

(End of this chapter)

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