Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1637: Not even a piece of residue left 2

Chapter 1637 Not even a piece of **** remains 2

The water elemental spirit crystal, not even a piece of **** remained.

"Brother Chen, this...what's going on."

The white-clothed girl then discovered this anomaly, she immediately left Luo Chen's arms and looked at the ash-laden rock ahead.

At least tens of thousands of high-grade water elemental spirit crystals suddenly disappeared without warning.

When she came to the Heavenly Dragon Realm this time, the food in her hands was not to the like of the dragons, and the water elemental spirit crystals she got were very few.

These high-grade water elemental spirit crystals are not comparable to special products, but they are still very useful for her body.

It just disappeared without leaving one. She and Luo Chen only had more than one thousand in their hands.

At this point, she doesn't even use enough medicine for one bath.

The face of the girl in white was instantly ugly.

Luo Chen comforted her and said: "Huang'er, the Tianlong Secret Realm is changing rapidly, maybe the other groups are like this. Don't worry, these princes will all make up for you later."

The white-clothed girl's complexion slowly said, "Well, I listen to Brother Luo Chen."

"Hmph, maybe it's the same in other groups. Old man, I just made the other groups different from you, so I'm mad at you!"

When the dragon soul heard the conversation between the two, he grunted uncomfortably.

Then, he sent out several auras.

These auras use the crystal screen as a medium to enter the space where the other group is located.


Mo Yaxi and Feng Yehan were about to reach the top of the mountain.

Feng Yehan was about to go to the edge of the ridge to get Mo Yaxi's special water mirror spirit crystal.

Suddenly, a gust of breeze blew, and the special water elemental spirit crystals around the two skyrocketed.

"This... what's going on?"

Mo Yaxi looked at the high-grade water elemental spirit crystal that was originally only the size of a longan, suddenly growing up at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it had eaten hormones.

Soon it grew into a special water elemental spirit crystal the size of a small watermelon, and its quality has changed directly from top grade to special grade.

Mo Yaxi was stunned.

This kind of spar-type heaven, spirit and earth treasure, doesn't determine the quality from the beginning of growth.

She can still be purified suddenly, she is also in a long posture.

It is not only the spiritual crystal in front of her that has changed.

There were many spirit crystals around the two who also mutated.

Directly from the top grade to the special grade, each head also becomes bigger.

"We have an adventure."

Feng Yehan's eyes flickered slightly, and the Tianlong Secret Realm was indeed a magical place.

Since it can suddenly become larger and advanced, who knows when it will shrink and degenerate.

The two seized the time to pack all the mutant special spirit crystals.

Mo Yaxi is not the only place where there is variation.

Mo Xi and Chi Chi, Mo Ranchen and Jin Ying'er, too.

"Brother Chi Chi, let's hurry up and pry up these mutant special spirit crystals."

Mo Xi waved a golden dagger, very excited.

Hahahaha, this is another good opportunity to make a fortune.

the other side.

"Aran, let's hurry up and collect these special spirit crystals!"

Jin Ying'er saw the sudden increase of purified special spirit crystals, her eyes were shining.

With these special water elemental spirit crystals, she can exchange Jun Mohuang for a lot of delicious food.

Jin Ying'er was extremely excited, prying her dagger faster.

Of course, it's not just the space where the above teams are mutated.

Except for the girl in white clothes and Luo Chen, all the water element spirit crystals in the space where the team is located have evolved.

The assessment time is over.

Everyone is automatically teleported out of the special space of the first level and into a hall.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Bright Eye °Suns for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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