Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1636: There is not even a piece of **** left

Chapter 1636 is not even left

She is very smart, and will not always maintain that weak and kind image in front of Luo Chen.

Later, he would act coquettishly and complain, do something different from his own image, and in Luo Chen's opinion, it would not violate his nature.

Always maintaining the same image, Luo Chen might soon lose his freshness.

"Huang'er, don't worry, I will get you as many special water elemental spirit crystals as possible for you to nourish your body."

Luo Chen complained to her with coquettishness, and instead of dismissing it, he smiled in favor.

"Brother Chen, you are so kind."

The white-clothed girl smiled charmingly, and put it into Luo Chen's arms.


Somewhere in the Tianlong Secret Realm, a large crystal screen was suspended in front of the dragon soul.

The screen is showing the situation of each group in turn.

Dragon Soul lightly waved his sleeves, and the crystal screen picture changed. He immediately saw the real-time situation of the three groups of Mo Yaxi, Jun Mohuang, and Luo Chen.

The dragon soul first looked at the group of Mo Yaxi and Feng Yehan.

Seeing that Mo Yaxi had not dared to collect the special water elemental spirit crystals in person, Feng Yehan took the initiative to help her collect the special water elemental spirit crystals.

"Well, that's good."

Dragon Soul was very satisfied with their current state.

That's great. So is this little girl. She knows people and she has to pretend not to know them.

He had no choice but to do some small actions to make the two recognize each other again.

Then, Dragon Soul looked at Jun Mohuang again.

He discovered that the blood in the little girl's body was special before the first level of assessment began.

Therefore, she was deliberately assigned to the only space with the water elemental spiritual spring, and wanted to observe what would happen to Jun Mohuang when he encountered the water elemental spiritual spring.

The changes in this little girl's head are very interesting.

Of course, her true face is more interesting.

But, these are all external affairs, but it doesn't matter what the Tianlong Secret Realm is, it doesn't matter to his dragon soul.

He just needs to look forward to the great drama that will be staged in the future.

Alas, although he is only a spirit body, it is boring to stay in the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm all the time and not get out.

Gossip makes his life less boring.

Dragon Soul smiled slyly on the old face.

When he turned his gaze to Luo Chen and the white jade girl, his smile disappeared instantly.

Coincidentally, the Dragon Soul was seeing the picture of the girl in white disgusting that there is no good thing in the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm.

The special spar in front of Dragon Soul was transformed by his strength.

Even the changes in Jun Mohuang's body after absorbing a large amount of water element spirit springs can faintly detect, and he can hear clearly the words of the girl in white who dislike the secret realm of Heavenly Dragon.

"Dare to dislike the fact that there are few treasures in the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm, not very good. If you have the ability, don't collect the water element spirit crystals in the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm!"

The dragon soul stared angrily.

Taking advantage in the Tianlong Secret Realm, but also wanting to dislike it, this person is really annoying.

Hmph, isn't it that you don't dislike the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm as not so good, then as you wish, I will show you what is not so good.

The dragon soul waved his sleeves and sent out an aura. Using the crystal screen as the medium, this aura directly entered the space where the white-clothed girl and Luo Chen stayed.

Luo Chen held the white-clothed girl in his arms and was about to say something, the scene before him changed drastically.

The densely packed water elemental spirit crystals growing on the gray rock suddenly disappeared.

In the entire space, only gray rocks stood quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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