Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1633: Nothing is the best

Chapter 1633 is the best without any involvement

Feng Yehan forcibly stuffed this special spirit crystal into Mo Yaxi's hand.

It's no use, liar.

Even if Feng Yehan is the bloodline of the Wind Clan, relying on the power of the wind element as the main combat power, the wind element is most needed for cultivation.

But the water element in the special water element spirit crystal has the effect of concentrating mental power and accelerating the speed of cultivation.

Even if you don't need it, you can still use it to exchange for what you need.

Knowing that Feng Yehan was lying, Mo Yaxi did not expose it.

Maybe he just gave a special spirit crystal to comfort her injured heart.

Unexpectedly, in the following process, Feng Yehan stuffed every special water elemental spirit crystal into her hand.

When the two reached three quarters of the ridge, Feng Yehan had already given her more than two hundred special crystals.

After Feng Yehan put a special water elemental spirit crystal into her hand again, Mo Yaxi said, "This is too much, I don't need it anymore."

Although the number of special spirit crystals she needed was far below the standard, she really couldn't let Feng Yehan continue to give her the water element spirit crystals she had obtained.

"Take it, there is no such thing as disgusting babies."

Feng Yehan put the special spirit crystal in her hand.

At this position, Tepin Lingjing is already the size of a tennis ball.


Mo Yaxi looked tangled, she didn't want to owe Feng Yehan such a favor.

"Girl, you don't have to be embarrassed. I help you this way, just because you are from the Devil Emperor's side, and you can talk to the Devil Emperor."

Feng Yehan saw her expression and smiled softly:

"There is a wind elemental spirit crystal in the hand of the demon emperor. I need a water elemental spirit crystal. I did this, just wanting you to help me get the wind elemental spirit crystal."

Mo Yaxi nodded: "Well, if the emperor has a wind elemental spirit crystal in his hand, I will definitely ask for it for you as a thank you for helping me collect the special water elemental spirit crystal."

Mo Yaxi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Phew, I can finally pay off Feng Yehan's favor.

After she got him the same amount of wind element spirit crystals, and then left the Heavenly Dragon Realm, the two would never meet again and would never meet again.

There will be no more involvement between her and him.

Mo Yaxi's expression suddenly became a bit sour, and then immediately relieved.

The Wind Clan is one of Luo Chen's most powerful tribes, and the Mo Clan has decided not to obey any orders from Luo Chen.

Nothing is the best.


The special spirit crystal on the edge of the water elemental spring is very big, and Jun Mohuang happily pryed it for a while, and found that the prying of the spirit crystal in the water elemental spring was too slow.

So she released all the beast pets including Xiaojin, Earth Spirit, Laogui, and A Miao.

Each sends them a dagger made of gold crystals, and activates them to pry the water elemental spirit crystals.

Of course, with the exception of Lord Yinyue, he still huddled in the tortoise shell given by the old turtle and refused to come out.

"Yinyue, I said you don't need to be like this either. This is the Tianlong Secret Realm. Jin Yu is busy passing the first test and has no time to chase you down."

Jun Mohuang stretched his hand into the Phoenix Jade space and knocked on the tortoise shell that lived on Lord Yinyue.

" know it!"

From the tortoise shell, Lord Yinyue heard a slightly panicked voice.

The owner is too smart, she guessed it without revealing a word about her own life experience.

The quality of the tortoise shell of the old tortoise is too good, which makes Lord Yinyue's voice muffled and has its own reverberation sound effect.

(End of this chapter)

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