Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1632: Horoscope 3

Chapter 1632

This time, Mo Yaxi didn't know what to say.

Damn it, these gray rocks with water elemental spirit crystals are clearly very hard and firm.

The inlay between the rock and the rock is very tight. In this geological state, there should be no landslide.

This kind of unique situation was unexpectedly encountered by her, and this luck is no one.

"The Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm is weird, maybe it's just because of your bad luck. Next time you don't go first, I'll try it first."

Feng Yehan looked at her gloomy little face, and then at the ridge that had suddenly slipped inexplicably, her lavender eyes thoughtful.

In order to confirm the reason, he decided to do an experiment.

Soon, Feng Yehan found the perfect experimental template.

Two special water elemental spirit crystals grew on the gray rock not far from the two.

"I'll try it first."

Feng Yehan said to Mo Yaxi and was about to walk towards the rock on the edge of the ridge.

Mo Yaxi stopped him: "Wait, if there is a problem with this ridge, what should you do if you fall? My reaction and strength will not be able to save you."

She didn't want to continue to be involved with Feng Yehan, as far as the matter was concerned, it was dangerous for Feng Yehan to try this way.

Even if the stranger in front of her is now, she would be so obstructed.

Feng Yehan said softly: "It's okay, I have a way to save my life."

For some reason, her worries made him feel better involuntarily, even he didn't even realize it.

Feng Yehan confirmed and assessed the safety factor of this rock, walked up and collected one of the special spirit crystals.

Then, walk back to Mo Yaxi again.

"There is nothing wrong with this rock, go."

"Thank you."

Mo Yaxi nodded and walked onto this rock very carefully.

It's not that she doesn't trust Feng Yehan, it's just that she dropped it a few times inexplicably just now, and was really afraid.

Mo Yaxi pried down the remaining special spirit crystal and received it in the space ring. When he was about to return it, something happened suddenly.

The rock at the foot broke without warning.

Then... Mo Yaxi fell again very sadly, and Feng Yehan rescued her again.

The two looked at each other and they all understood that the reason why Mo Yaxi had fallen these few times was nothing else, but that he had rushed with the Tianlong Secret Realm.

Mo Yaxi wanted to cry without tears, what kind of luck was this, he had to recite like this.

Could it be said that her previous life and the Dragon Clan of the Heavenly Dragon Realm could not be enmity, this was the first level, and the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm rejected her like this.

After roughly understanding the reason, the two continued to move up.

In this case, Mo Yaxi did not dare to collect the special water elemental spirit crystals that grew on the edge of the ridge.

In the previous few times, Feng Yehan would rescue her in time every time she fell, and it was not good to trouble Feng Yehan again and again. He himself had to collect water elemental spirit crystals.

When Mo Yaxi passed by the special water elemental spirit crystals, he could only endure heartache and give up.

Feng Yehan noticed her expression every time she passed by the special spirit crystal, and asked, "Do you really need the special water elemental spirit crystal?"

Mo Yaxi nodded: "Yes."

"Give you."

Feng Yehan walked to the protruding rock at the edge of the ridge and ordered a special water elemental spirit crystal to get it down, walked back to Mo Yaxi and handed it to her.

"This...this is too expensive, sorry, I can't accept it."

Mo Yaxi took a step back and quickly refused.

The special water elemental spirit crystal is too rare and precious.

"Accept it, this is of no use to me."

(End of this chapter)

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