Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1576: Hit people and face, very happy 2

Chapter 1576 hitting someone and hitting the face, very happy 2

"These people, leave them to you, hurry up and get rid of them all."

Jin Ying'er was completely relieved when she saw this.

The master is worthy of being a master, there is a way.

"Yes, princess."

Among the eight blue dragons, four blue dragons immediately became real.

Green lights flickered, covering everyone in the Chu family.

Two seconds later, the blue light disappeared, and the Yuan family brothers and sisters, Chu Tang and other Chu family members also disappeared without a trace, leaving no breath.

It was as if Chu Tang and these younger generations of Chu family did not appear in Sky Dragon City at all.

Leave the four green dragons, and immediately find the other Chu family members in Sky Dragon City.

Cleanly abolished the cultivation base of everyone in the Chu family.

Chu Tang's father, the Chu Family Patriarch and the old Patriarch Chu had a dumbfounded look at the situation that the Chu Family was about to be driven out.

They thought about it very carefully. All monks had been careful with the dragons since they entered the Heavenly Dragon Realm, and there was nothing to offend the dragons. How could they be suddenly driven out.

When they knew that Chu Tang and Yuan Wei were in trouble, their faces were as black as the bottom of a pot, and they wanted to tie Chu Tang up and kneel down to Jin Ying'er.

Unfortunately, they have completely lost this opportunity.

On the streets of Tianlong City, those who knew Jin Ying'er's identity in advance and chose not to make trouble with Jun Mohuang instantly thanked themselves for their wisdom.

Otherwise, their fate would be like the Chu family.

When someone who didn't know Jin Yinger's identity saw this, he had complained about Jun Mohuang's crazy buying behavior, so he didn't dare to think about it again.

The crowd watching the excitement slowly made birds and beasts and went to buy what they needed.

In short, they have a firm belief in their hearts.

That is, in the Heavenly Dragon Realm, Jin Ying'er can't offend, and Jun Mohuang can't offend even more.

"Finally dismissed the eyesight."

Yuan Wei was taken away and the danger was relieved, Jin Ying'er took a long breath.

"Sister, don't be unhappy. It's not a problem for the Heavenly Dragon Realm to put anyone in. I will send additional personnel to the border to strictly examine every dragon who enters the Heavenly Dragon Realm."

Not to mix in scum like Chu Tang and the Chu family, and make Jun Mohuang unhappy.

When she is unhappy, what if she doesn't make good food when she's not in the mood, then she doesn't have good food again.

"I am not unhappy, princess, I am very happy now."

How could Jun Mohuang be unhappy because of Chu Tang's presence.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just get rid of the toxins like Yuanwei."

She knows that Jin Ying'er's starting point for increasing the review is for her mood.

Mo Xi and Mo Yaxi nodded at the same time: "Yes, I also think it's very happy to hit people and face again."

The censorship is too strict, and no moth can cause trouble. What's the point?

Jin Yinger's eyes widened, and she secretly wrote down the hobbies of the three younger sisters.

The four continued to go shopping.

In half a day, the three of them collected more than half of the spirit crystals that the dragons displayed this time.

Every time he trades with a dragon, Jun Mohuang clearly tells him that he needs a lot of elemental spirit crystals and various heaven, spirit and earth treasures.

Let these dragons come to Jin Ying'er's princess mansion to find her in exchange for food.

The food Jun Mohuang made had both taste and taste, and the dragons who had traded with her readily agreed, and immediately turned back to their real bodies and ran back to the lair to move things.

"Three sisters, we will go through the rest of the shops on this street, and we will almost be able to complete the main street of Sky Dragon City."

(End of this chapter)

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