Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1575: I'm very happy to hit people and face

Chapter 1575 hitting someone and hitting the face, very happy

The sea of ​​qi is broken, and of course the cultivation base is also abolished.

It just abolished the sea of ​​qi, so that they could no longer practice.

Entering the Heavenly Dragon Realm with the toxin, this group of Chu family members died ten times.

In an instant, countless cries of pain and screams from the Chu family sounded on the scene.

The eight blue dragons abolished the Chu family and Yuan Jiaojiao, and walked towards Yuanwei.

"You guys, don't come over!"

Yuan Wei saw that Chu Tang, who was still all arrogant just now, had now been abolished.

The expression on his face was already terrified.

He doesn't want to die, he still wants to live on!

Falling into the hands of these eight blue dragons, and then thrown into the nest of Warcraft, he will only be gnawed by the Warcraft so that there is no bones left.

In a hurry, Yuan Wei flashed a flash of light in his mind, and immediately thought of the key point to save his life.

"Don't come here, come again, I will immediately release my blood and pollute your Heavenly Dragon Realm!"

Yuan Wei took out a dagger, and immediately pressed the sharp blade to his neck.

Yuanwei's strategy was very effective. The eight blue dragons immediately stopped and asked Jin Ying'er with their eyes.

You can't just let Yuanwei go, let alone let Yuanwei's blood flow out to pollute the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

Not even a drop will do.

These eight don't know how to deal with this matter.

The defensive enchantment composed of spiritual energy cannot resist the invasion of toxins.

"Let him get the knife."

When Jin Ying'er was thinking about countermeasures, Jun Mohuang's hands quickly formed seals, a defensive barrier, immediately enveloped Yuanwei.

"Hahaha, Jun Mohuang, you idiot, the enchantment made up of spiritual energy cannot withstand the attack of poison!"

In the enchantment, Yuanwei began to laugh wildly.

Jin Ying'er looked at Jun Mohuang with questions in her eyes.

She had an intuition that the defense barrier created by Jun Mohuang was not an ordinary aura defense barrier.

Jun Mohuang nodded to her, indicating that there was no problem at all.

Jin Ying'er let go: "Catch him."

The eight blue dragons exchanged glances with each other.

Now that the princess has ordered, maybe this enchantment of the master is really no problem.

The eight blue dragons gritted their teeth and immediately stepped forward to control the enchantment that was covering Yuanwei in all directions.

Yuanwei is in the barrier, they only need to control the barrier to recognize him in the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

"This time it's your Dragon Clan deceiving too much, don't blame Ben Shao for being unkind!"

In the enchantment, Yuan Wei yelled, and the dagger in his hand struck his wrist.

At this time, he was still afraid of death and did not choose to cut the large artery in his neck.

A small jet of black poisonous blood immediately emerged from the wound and dripped onto the barrier.

But to Yuan Wei's surprise, the black poisonous blood dripped onto the barrier without any reaction at all.

Not to mention corrupting the enchantment, there is no "sizzling" sound when the poisonous blood meets the enchantment.

Jun Mohuang's enchantment is completely immune to Yuan Wei's poisonous blood.

Jun Mohuang said: "This barrier can last for five days, enough for you to recognize him in the Heavenly Dragon Realm."

Yuan Wei is also no brain, her defensive barrier, we may be composed of spiritual energy.

The defensive barrier she used to isolate Yuanwei toxins this time was an upgraded version of the fusion of her own power spell and the old tortoise shell.

Even if Yuan Wei releases all the poisonous blood in her body, her enchantment can hold it.

"Thank you, Master."

The eight blue dragons gratefully looked at Jun Mohuang.

The master not only cooks delicious food, but the defense barrier is also so powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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