Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1569: Dying

Chapter 1569

Seeing Jin Ying'er's blond hair in the distance, the orc immediately lost his anger.

Muttered a few words in his mouth, only to admit that he was unlucky and walked away angrily.

When other people heard what the celebrity said just now, even if they were dissatisfied, they could only give up.

These people quickly dissipated in the crowd.

In the distance, Jun Mohuang and Jin Ying'er noticed the movement just now.

Jin Ying'er snorted coldly: "Humph, count these people as acquaintances."

Regardless of the rules, the rules of the Heavenly Dragon Realm are that whoever can take out the food that the dragon race likes, who is the uncle, has the right to obtain all kinds of heaven, spirit and earth treasures.

But there has never been anything to talk to others, deliberately leaving something for others.

"Three sisters, don't have a psychological burden. In short, you can trade whatever you want. Don't worry about what these people think."

Jin Ying'er was afraid that Jun Mohuang and the others would be restrained and comfort the three of them.

"No, princess, how can we have a psychological burden."

The three of Jun Mohuang said that there is no psychological burden at all.

Why should you take into account the feelings of those people for the treasures that you can trade with their skills? They are not relatives and they are not here to do charity in the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

Jin Ying'er was completely relieved, and the group swept all the street and continued trading.

Some people were uncomfortable with Jun Mohuang and the others' aggressive buying, but as soon as they saw Jin Ying'er's blonde hair and golden pupil, they dared not speak.

But not everyone is acquainted.

One of the four major families of the Bafang Xuanjie, the Chu family.

The Chu family's main protagonist is the eldest lady, and Chu Tang is leading the Chu family to trade all kinds of heaven, spirit, and earth treasures in Tianlong City.

As one of the four major families in the Bafang Profound Realm, the Chu family was the first dragon family to enter the Heavenly Dragon Realm and come to the Heavenly Dragon City.

The people next to Chu Tang were all the younger generation of the Chu family. They came to Sky Dragon City for the first time, and they were absolutely novel to see.

Yuan Jiaojiao and Yuan Wei are also listed here.

The two of them had a relationship between Yuanba and tyrants, and they followed the Chu family forcibly.

Yuan Wei has been poisoned by Yuanba's hidden toxin, unable to detoxify.

Yuanba's various trust relationships sent Yuanwei to the Heavenly Dragon Realm, just to come here to find a way to relieve this toxin.

The Heavenly Dragon Realm absolutely does not allow people with poisoned bodies to come here. Toxin is a violent energy that can easily cause irreparable damage to the water element of the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

Yuan Wei was still the Yuanba trustee to cover up the poison on his body, and then he followed the Chu family to the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

The two brothers and sisters were looking around curiously when they suddenly saw a familiar red figure.

Yuan Jiaojiao and Yuan Wei both thought that they had made a mistake. When they rubbed their eyes, they were sure that they had not made a mistake.

Not only Jun Mohuang, but Mo Xi and Mo Yaxi also came.

When Yuan Wei saw these three people, he instantly remembered the humiliating past.

This time, Chu Tang took the Chu family with him. He wanted to use the hands of the Chu family to give a vicious lesson to Jun Mohuang and the Mo family sisters.

Yuan Wei winked at Yuan Jiaojiao.

Yuan Jiaojiao understood in seconds, she immediately leaned to Chu Tang's side, pointed at Jun Mohuang and said loudly:

"Miss, that is the woman who cruelly abolished Young Master Chu Tiankuo in the Spirit Yuanzong."

Chu Tang followed Yuan Jiaojiao's gaze and saw Jun Mohuang in a red dress.

"Is that right."

Chu Tang looked bad, and asked a guard next to him.

The guard immediately took out a portrait from the space ring and handed it to Chu Tang for viewing.

Chu Tang took the portrait and found that what Yuan Jiaojiao said was true.

(End of this chapter)

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