Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1568: Pick up the scum

Chapter 1568 is still picking up scum

More than a hundred kinds of heavy flavors exploded on the tongue instantly, and the taste was as uncomfortable as being suddenly stuffed with salt.

"How come, you two don't know how to enjoy, I want it."

Jin Ying'er brought a small piece of barbecue from Mo Xi's hand and ate it by herself.

Soon, an intoxicated expression appeared on her face.

"Master sister, your craft is too good."

Jin Ying'er knew that Jun Mohuang's food was delicious, but she didn't expect that the food she made with only over a hundred flavors was so delicious.

"nice! You love it."

Jun Mohuang is used to complimenting Jin Ying'er.

Since meeting Jin Ying'er and meeting her, she doesn't remember how many times she has heard her praise.

Mo Xi asked curiously, "Why is this the same kind of food."

Mo Yaxi guessed: "It must be that the taste buds of the Dragons are different from those of our normal people. They have heavy tastes. They have a habit of eating this kind of food. On the contrary, if they eat the normal things we eat, they will feel dull and unpalatable. ."

After Mo Xi and Mo Yaxi had communicated in a secret language, they looked at Jun Mohuang.

When the two of them communicated in secret, they also gave Jun Mohuang permission.

"Yes, this is the reason."

Jun Mohuang confirmed Mo Yaxi's guess.

Mo Yaxi and Mo Xi looked at Jin Ying'er who was intoxicated, and suddenly sympathized with their brother Mo Ranchen.

This princess of the Heavenly Dragon Realm is good everywhere, but the taste follows the dragon clan, too heavy and too strange.

The four continued to go shopping.

Along the way, Jun Mohuang, Mo Xi, and Mo Yaxi bought all the treasures they wanted.

Especially the spirit crystals of various elements are the focus of the three of them.

Where the Jun Mohuang trio had gone, the dragons who traded with them were extremely happy, but the other people who were also here to exchange the dragon treasures were not happy.

The dragons have high requirements for food, and the Heavenly Dragon Realm has not been opened for thousands of years.

People from outside rushed here as quickly as possible, and it took a lot of effort to make soup-like liquid food that met the standards of the dragon clan.

These people happily walked to the street to exchange with the dragon clan, but before they could exchange their treasures, they met Jun Mohuang who was so angry.

The immediate shot is the food requested by the Qianjin Dragon Race, sweeping away all the treasures in the shop and on the roadside.

With Jun Mohuang's food, the Dragons naturally look down on the food in these people's hands.

Both in quantity and quality.

"Where did this woman come from? Does she understand the rules of trading in the Celestial Dragon Realm? She really won't leave anyone alive!"

"Let Lao Tzu teach her a lesson!"

Among these people, there was an orc with a rough-looking and muscular body that couldn't be seen, and he had to go forward to teach Jun Mohuang.

"Oh hello, dear friend, don't go to death. Didn't you see that there is a princess from the Celestial Dragon Realm by her side? She is a distinguished guest from the Celestial Dragon Realm. If you don't want to live anymore, just go find fault."

A celebrity immediately stopped this impulsive orc.

If this orc fought with others, this celebrity said it didn't matter.

The key is that behind the other party is Jin Ying'er, the princess of Heavenly Dragon Realm.

Let this stupid guy rush over to make trouble, angering Jin Yinger, and Jin Yinger angrily ordered the Dragon Race not to do business with them.

If you don't fight, when the three of Jun Mohuang finish sweeping the street, they can still pick up a bit of scum, and they don't even have to pick up scum after a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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